The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

SECOND Easton 6 THE MORXIXG CALL, Allentown, Saturday. Dec. 22, 1945 FOUNTAIN HILL FREEMAN SBURG HELIjERTO WN EAST BANGOR Bethlehem Northampton County WILSON BOROUGB CHAPMANS QUARRIES STOCKERTOWN DAN1ELSVILLE Officers of Bath Legion Auxiliary Northampton Co. Medical Society Officers Warren Foundry n. ia.

Workers Favor Strike, 232-9 By an overwhelming 232 to 9 vote, Farm Hand Held After Threats Against Others John Fisher, 60-ycar-old Williams township farm hand, is being held at the Northampton county prison for QiirMlonlng after he threatened to kill two other farmers In that area yrMertlay mornlna. Fi.sher, ho haa been livina on the farm owned by former District Attorney Russell C. Mauch. who notified the county detectives, had barricaded himself in a in Williams township, and according to United Steelworkers Union employes Knowles Again Heads C. of C.

In Bethlehem James C. Knowles. division manager of the P. P. and L.

was reelected for his third term as president of the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce at a reorganization meeting in Hotel Bethlehem Friday. Others re-elected are E. H. Thev-enet, vice president: Jrsse M. Bodder, treasurer, and Harry K.

Trend, secretary. The board elected the following directors to serve two-year terms: Walter S. Gubelman John I. Klrk-patrlck. Harry Margolis.

Andrew S. Morgan. Sol. J. Phillips.

Walter C. at the Warren Foundry and Pipe Co. in PhlllipsburK, N. J. authorized the cry strike action sought by the Union to implement its demands for a $3 a day wage increase.

National Labor Relations Board agents conducted the balloting at Singing of Carols To Open Yule Festivities Christmas festivities traditional In Bethlehem will be heralded on Sunday with a carol sing at 0 p.m. in Zlnrndnrf aqua re. nor Hotrl nth-Irhrm. arranged by the Bethlehem Youth council, which Includes Christian Endeavor group, Youth Fellowship Rnd Young People's societies throughout Bethlehem, The program will Include carol familiar to all BethlehemlteK, and a selection by an octette. Rev.

John R. Waser will deliver the invocation and Rev. Alonzo S. Flic will pronounce the benediction Ralph Friend Jr. will announce' the program.

Carlton Weaver will direct the music. In case of severe cold or unfavorable weather, the program will be held in the Central Moravian Sunday school building, Heckewelder place, Bethlehem. Mountain View housing project, Hellertown. will also have a community 6ing, to be held around the community tree. Juniper St.

and Birch roiid, at 7 p.m. Christmas day. Mrs. Louis Ooldberg heads the Christmas committee and Rev. Byron Stauffer, of Christ Lutheran church, Hellertown, will offer the invocation.

which 243 of the company's 325 eligible employes voted. The tabulation was 232 yes. 9 no, two spoiled ballots. The union, acting on the authority granted by strike votes recorded last month at other plants in the area and throughout the Nation, has set W. i ii the county detectives, was shooting a other occupants of the building.

un I 1 i til he was subdued by police headed Ruthhart, Otto H. Spillman, R. Jan. 14 as the strike date. by Chief County Detective John Trout and Private Thomas Cavanaush, Dr.

Stephen Gabor, Bethlehem is shown presenting Dr. Irene F. Laub, Easton, with the gavel after her election as president of the Northampton County Medical society Thursday night at the Northampton Country rlub, near Easton. Other newly elected officers looking on are Dr. Thomas H.

A. Stites, (left) -secretary-treasurer, and Dr. D. P. Walker, (right) vice president.

Stausburg, E. H. Thevcnet and Gerald Thorp. Elected to serve one-year terms as of the Easton barracks, Pennsylvania State police. directors were Dr.

J. Horace Barnes, Dr. J. J. Evrard, Dr.

Raymond S. Attorney Mauch said last night he Haupert, Dr. Paul B. Kreitz, Robert Newly elected officers of the auxiliary of Eckley-Patch post No. 470, American Legien, Bath, installed Thursday night are, first row, Mrs.

Clayton Haupt, senior vice president; Mrs. Harry Weaver, president; Mrs. George Bittenbender, junior vice president; Mrs. William K. Teel, recording secretary.

Second row, Mrs. John Keefer, chaplain; Mrs. Leo Bittenbender, junior sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Henry Lawrence, treasurer; Pauline Overcash, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Florian Schneider, senior nergeant-at-arms.

would prefer no charges against Fisher but the county detective bureau held Fisher in the county prison for Yule Programs In Bethlehem Schools M. McGovern and William o. Miner. Hold-over directors are Roderick R. Hauser, N.

J. Hittinger, J. C. Knowles, Patients Guests Russell K. Laros, C.

E. Mowrer, Walter A. Schrempcl, R. S. Taylor, Stan- questioning.

C. W. H. Kichline, one of the three elderly men who occupied the small farmhouse, said Fisher awakened him and Melchor Pfeifer at midnight by lev K. Weaver and F.

E. Welnland. Those retiring are D. H. Brlllhart, A.

Copeland Callen. W. H. Edwards At Yule Party At St. Luke's Bethlehem Steel Trumpeters of the Liberty Hieh 'Missing' Sailor and Bernard E.

Fella. knocking on their bedroom doors and threatening them. Yesterday morning. Kichline said, when he and Pfeifer were working in a barn. Fisher ap scnool Dana piayea carols around a large lighted tree in the lobbv while Fburg to Speed Plans for New Disposal Plant Phillipsburg, N.

town officials agreed yesterday to speed plans for construction of a new sewage disposal plant at a hearing in Trenton before Dr. J. Lynn Mahaffey, State health director to answer charges that town tne student body of the school was Women's Council Host Names 2 New assembled at the annual carol service peared on the porch with a snotgun. and threaetened to kill the other There were entertainment and gifts for all patients who could take part Friday afternoon. Officially Listed As Dead To Bethlehem Boys Club two men.

The Christmas story from the in the annual party of St. Luke hos pital Friday night, in the hospital. Scriptures was read in five different At Party in Gymnasium M. Naomi Houser. director of the The men hid behind a shed, and Fisher fired one shot, but thev were unable to state whether he fired at them.

Kichline informed police that languages and carols were sung, accompanied by the school orchestra, The Women's council of the Beth School of Nursing, was in charge of the program in which student nurses Missing in action In the Asiatic lehem Boys club was host to approxl area since Nov. 3, 1944, Nicholas Chai- sewage and industrial wastes are pol he and Pfeifer work on the farm, but Fisher, who is unemployed, only lives The Scriptures were read in English by Raymond Reed; in German by Naomi Knauss; in Latin by William Howland; in French by Carole Wer mately 160 young boys at a Christ kowsky son of Mr. and Mrs took part. Following the singing oi the carol, Little Town of Bethlehem." Miss Houser read the Nativ mas party Friday night in tne gymna New York Men Wanted In Easton Take Appeal To Appellate Court District Attorney Stanlev E. Fehr of Northampton county, hit a snag Thursday in his efforts to extradite two New York men to the county to face morals charges involving a Moore township girl.

After the New York SuDreme court ordered the two men turned over to the county authorities, their lawyers appealed to the New York aDDellate court and the nair was released in-bail pending disposition of the appeal. The men are Salvatore Som-mese. 24. and Anthony Vltale. 37.

both of Jamaica, I. Nicholas Chaikowsky. 1537 E. Fourth Bethlehem, has been officially slum of the club. Featured was a there.

When the police, who were armed with rifles and tear gas, reached the ner, ana in Spanish by Anita Carril. ity story. Manager W. W. Butts extended greetings to the patients.

reported dead by the Navy depart luting thp Delaware river. Mayor John F. O'Donncll and members of the Phillipsburg; commission said they would supply monthly reports of progress and that by May 15 they will have preliminary plans for the sewerage project ready for the ureetings were extended to the fac ulty and student bodv by the Drin. ment. A comedy skit.

"Miss Smith Making program by "Tokay, the Magician." Mrs. Warren Driver accompanied the boys choir on the piano, in singing of carols. Refreshments were farmhouse, they saw no one around the place. They rushed the door, and Nicholas, who was a water tender cipal, Dr. H.

Frank Hare. The carol the Rounds," was presented by the class of 1946. after which Berly Moffat gave a reading. A solo, Holy first class, was aboard the USS Reno on the night of Nov. 3.

when it was Vice Presidents E. G. Grace, chairman of the board of Bethlehem Steel announces the election yesterday of Norborne Berkeley as vice president, and of William H. Collins as vice president in charge of the shipbuilding division succeeding A. B.

Homer, newly elected president of the company. Mr. Berkeley, who has been assistant to the president since Jan. 1, 1930 will continue to serve as executive assistant to the chairman. Mr.

Berkeley started with Bethlehem in the legal department in July, 1919, and after serving as assistant secretary was appointed assistant to the president. He has been a director of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. since May, 1935. Prior to coming with Bethlehem he Fish was founa standing in a oeo-room. A shoteun.was against the wall.

served and Santa Claus distributed service closed with the language stu dents singinr "Silent Night" in Ger health department. attacked by a Japanese submarine, man, French, Spanish and Latin, the Police seized him before he could reach the weapon they said. The police de Night," was sung by Lorraine Johnson, and an accordion selection given The ship was severely damaged, with Dr. Mahaffey indicated he would hold off a proposed action holding Phillipsburg officials in contempt of the loss of many men. gifts.

Members of the council who assisted with arrangements for the affair were Mrs. Driver, Mrs. R. S. Tucker.

Mrs. Timothy Burns, Mrs. Charles Stein-miller, H. A. Foering, Margaret A graduate of Bethlehem Technical court for failure to conform with a entire scnool joining in singing the carol in English.

Students left the auditorium to the strains of "Holy Night," played on the organ. The holiday recess began with the High school, Chaikowsky was an in tail included State policemen and Golub: Deputy Sheriff John H. Barker, and County Detectives Trout, John H. Thompson and structor at the Brodhead Recreation by Grace Bond. A short Christmas play.

"Bundles for Christmas," was presented by the hospital dramatic club, under direction of Florence Behler. A reading was given by Ruth Opplinger. A poem. center. He was employed in the Thomas.

Mrs. L. D. Green and Mrs. John I.

Correll. close or sessions Friday. Classes will central tool department of the Beth De resumed on Jan. 2. lehem Steel Co.

He was a member of 1914 Chancery court order prohibiting pollution of the river. It was shown that the town has acquired some land on Sawmill St. as the site for the plant, and that conferences have been held with representatives of the Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania railroads relative to acquisition of additional land for the purpose. "Packages, written by Lee Mary Lou Broughal Junior High Charles Dickens "Christmas Carol" St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox church and choir.

Lt. Donald Bachman Home for Christmas Dr. and Mrs. David F. Bachman.

16 W. Fourth Bethlehem, were agreeably surprised Friday night to receive a telephone call from their son. Second Lieutenant Donald F. Bachman, Army Air Corps. The call came from He is survived by his parents and was associated with the legal firm of was portrayed Friday morning at the assembly of Broughal Junior High school, Bethlehem, under direction of R.

Dinan. John Gyorek and Joseph Hassick of the Boys club staff and the club monitors also assisted in the evening's program. Candlelight Vesper Sunday in Nazareth Candlelight Christmas vespers will Kennedy, was read by its author. Fountain Hill Legion Groups Join in Party; the following sisters and brothers: Jane, Sonya, Lvdia. Vera Krah.

Violet Cravath and Henderson, New York Fred Leitner. City, now cravath. Swaine and Moore, The cast Included George Wlgno- Tomolovskl. Peter, William, John, in the Navy, stationed in the Philadelphia Navy yard and Boris, with the Dalton Brewing Co. Action Dropped Easton Court Records Show Civil action instituted in the Northampton countv courts by John D.

Dalton, of Philadelphia, a retired brewer, against his former associates in the South Bethlehem Brewing Co. has dropped according to court records. Bethlehem's general counsel. He was graduated in law from the University Monford Benners Today of Virginia in 1916 and served as a Navy in the South Pacific. Mixed Program Given Fountain Hill post, No.

406, Amer vitch, Arthur Statum. Marian Mullen, William Delp, Dorothy Kilpatrick, Louise Sinko. Mary Weber, Bernard Kostelnik, Rita Liedermari, Karl Haf- be held in St. John's Lutheran A memorial service will be held at major of field artillery in World War 10 a. m.

today in St. Nicholas church. Note 57th Anniversary In Home in Bethlehem I. He was born in Danville, Va. In church, Nazareth, on Sunday at 7:30 p.

m. Prior to the service, the brass choir will play catols. In addition ican Legion, its auxiliary and boys' and girls' units, Friday night held a 1891. ner and John Barron. Film slides of the early history of Mr.

Collins started with Bethlehem Christmas party in the post home on to the singing of Christmas hymns by Mr. and Mrs. Monford A. Benner. Divorce Decrees Broadway.

The program was arranged uetnienem were shown by Martha Luckenbach. Walter Daney, of the the congregation, there will be spe Daaton as plaintin equity sougni en accounting of the affairs of the cial music by the senior and junior 515 4th Bethlehem, today are observing their 57th wedding anniversary. They were married at the by Mrs. Grace Schaller, junior auxil iary advisor. i It included a skit.

"A Mix-un Wei For 4 at Easton brewing company and asKea tnat i-iugn J. Larkin. president-director and his co-directors. Archie F. Larkin, James V.

McAndrew and James E. Knipe. be come" by Mary Ritter and David the Union station in Bethlehem. The young serviceman recently r-rived in this country from a station "somewhere in China." and is home for a Christmas vacation. He had been assigned to the 25th Fighter Squadron of Major General C.

L. Chennault'a 14th Air Corps. Before entering the service he was a student at Moravian college. Transcribing Bureau Girls Have Dinner Parly Girls of the transcribing bureau, statement division, Bethlehem Steel held a Christmas dinner party Thursday night in the Colonnade, Bethlehem. Carols were sung and gifts were exchanged by th group.

home of Rev. Charles B. Shultz. then pastor of the First Moravian church in Bethlehem. Mackes; a solo by Pauline Perrett, with Marie LaPenna as accompanist; a recitation by Katherine McMurray; as an assistant hull superintendent in 1917 and after holding various production posts became general manager of the company's Quincy yard in 1937.

During World War II he was made vice president and general manager of Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard, and in 1945 was made general manager of the Boston district, including all of Bethlehem's yards in that area. He was born in Washington, D. C. In 1893 and was graduated from Lafayette college in 1915. Four divorce decrees were handed Mr.

Benner, who retired 23 years choirs under the direction of Daniel Rohn, organist. Each person upon entering the church Mil receive a candle and during the symbolic candlelight service the chancel will be illuminated by candles on the altar and the chancel rail. There will also be a large candle within the sanctuary rail, representing Christ, the Light of the world. down yesterday in the Northampton a skit, "Little Christmas Flashes," county courts. President Judge Her 1 acuity, directed instrumental music after which Fred Waring'a "Christmas Album" was presented.

The program was prepared and directed by the following members of the faculty: Mrs. Elsie McDowell, Harriet Cole, Mrs. Dorothy Koons, Paul Troxell. Fred Leitner, Charles Gross. Walter Daney, Russell Thierolf and Scott Bower.

Franklin Junior High "The Christmas That Bounced." a Yuletide play was presented Friday morning by thespians of Franklin ago from the employ of the Bethlehem Steel is 78 years old. Mrs. Benner is 77. bert F. Laub signed a decree divorcing Frances G.

Holmes, Easton. from Harry Holmes, of Chester. The couple were married in Phillipsburg July They have one daughter. Helen M. presented by jane McMurry, Mar-lene Marsteller.

Penny Pellegatta and Anna Marie Ronca. a vocal duet by Pauline Gass and Beatrice Buck; a monologue by Donald Bcier; a piano Benner and there is one grandchild James A. Benner. of Mountain View, Lady Hall Hebekahs Hellertown, and two great-grandchildren. Jamas A.

Benner and Robert F. Benner. selection by Doris Morrlsson. and an xylophone selection by Raymond Fredericks: a third skit, "Christmas Program," by Dolores Redding. Lila Catherine L.

Sullivan, supervisor. Junior High school, Bethlehem, at the Initiate Three Members 25, 1926. Indignities were charged. In one of three decrees handed down. Judge William A.

Frack divorced Veronica Hutnik. Easton, Michael Hutnik, W. Easton. They were married at Arlington, Aug. 17.

1941. Cruel treatment was charged. Judge Frack also divorced Richard statement section, was in charge of arrangements. Deily, Doris larsteller, and Eleanor weekly assembly. The cast included James Crandell, Realtors Stress Need Of More Homes; Urge Purchase of Bridges Emergency conditions existing lo Ruth Flamish, Grace Shoenenberg relieved of active management of the beer-making plant.

In a second proceeding. Dalton sued the company and Larkin to recover 2.000 of 4.000 shares of stock in the concern given to Dalton when the Ma-lone Interests from Shenandoah sold the brewery to Messrs. Dalton, Larkin and McAndrew back in 1926. Dalton, before a jury last month, said he valued the stock at $15 per share. News that an amicable settlement of the long drawn out controversy had been effected took no one by surprise.

The civil action was being aired before Judge William A. Frack and a jury Nov. 21, when opposing counsel announced that a continuance indefinitely had been agreed upon. Unofficial Information is that Dalton settled his claims for a sum in excess of $20,000. Bethlehem Colonel Attended Conferences i Nazareth HS Teacher Haraenoerg.

A quartet led by Raymond Fred Lucille Muschlitz. William Brown, Virginia Angelucci, Marion Gradwohl, ericks sang several selections. Milton Mendham, Bushkill Park, from Florine er and Mildred Muschlitz were initiated into Lady Hall Rebekah lodge, 202, Thursday night at a meeting in Aluta lodge, IOOF hall. Nazareth, in Angeline Labert and Joyce Lehr. To Resume Post Jan.

30 A veteran of three years service Rice, in the role of Santa Claus, distributed gifts. Candy and oranges were Mendham, Easton. The couple were married in Easton May 10, 1940. James Sitter was awarded a reproduction of the peace treaty with aiso distributed. cally demand quick action in providing rental units, the special housing committee of the Bethlehem Real Estate board announced Friday.

Adultery was charged. charge of Eva Fehr, noble grand. Plans were completed for a Christ with the Army. Staff Sergeant Robert Harding, son of Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Another decree signed by Judge mas party Saturday night, Dec, 22, to Harding, of Tunkhannock. has re Frack, divorced Consuela Felso, Beth The realtors also approved appoint Japan for having sold the largest number of war bonds during the Victory War Loan drive. Sifter sold 42 bonds, totalling $2,650.

I. Paul Hand-werk, principal, made the cently been discharged and will re Steel Co. Group Holds Party at Bethlehem Club The pipe sale department of the Bethlehem Steel Co. held a Christmas dinner party Friday night in the Bethlehem club. Twenty employes and the following guests present: C.

R. Holton, Paul Killen, J. V. Hnney-cutt, R. B.

Millar and representatives from the metallurgical department. Bowling and card games followed the dinner. E. A. Buxton was in charge of arrangements.

which members are asked to bring Conference League Party In Bethlehem DAR House ment bv Mayor Robert Pfeifle of a their children and gifts for presenta citizens' committee on housing and lehem, from Julius. Felso, of Allen-town. They were married In Bethlehem Nov. 26, 1938. Indignities were charged.

tion by Santa Claus. sume his duties as English instructor at the Nazareth High school on Jan. 30. He is presently living with his wife in the Manor apartments. Hall Refreshments and a social hour was Preparations for a Christmas oartv endorsed his suggestion that the Betn-lehem Housing authority seek approval of the National Housing authority for erection of 150 housing square, Nazareth.

in charge of Minnie Millheim and Evelyn Muschlitz. The next meeting will be held Jan. 3 with a program Bethlehem Tall Cedars by the Luther League of the Allen-town Conference to be held in the DAR building on First Bethlehem Wednesday, Dec. 27. are well un With General Patton units.

Contract Division of Steel These, according to suggestion by which is being arranged by Ruth Koh ler, chairman. der way. Among Bethlehem servicemen who had personal contacts with General Each member attending is asked the mayor, would be In the form of 50-unit additions at each of three existing projects. Pembroke Village, South Company Has Party at Elks The first Christmas party of the to bring a "White Christmas' gift. Parkridge PuDils in the Parkridge school, Bethlehem, gave their Christmas program Friday.

Recitations, exercises, a play and songs in unison were Included and also a tap dance by Jean-ett Kromer and Sally Ann Dunn. The program closed with the singing of "Silent Night." First and second grade pupils participated. Numerous parents and friends attended. Taking part in the play, "Dicky Falls Asleep," were Richard Kromer. William Clauss, Richard Kalvoskie, Cecilia Arnold and Charlene Obltz.

Morning Candlelight Service at Nazareth St. John's Evangelical and Reform Terrace and Parkridge. These will be given afterward to the Good Shepherd Home in Allentown. Lehigh Yule Vacation Starts At Noon Today Christmas vacation will begin at Le Because of Highway commissioner contract division, Bethlehem Steel was held Friday night in the The gifts may be any article which may be of use at the institution. Entertain Children At Annual Yule Party Over 100 kiddies from families of members of Bethlehem forest.

61, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and their parents, attended a Christmas party Friday night in the Cedar club, held exclusively in honor of the children. Special Christmas carols and children's music was played by the Tall Cedar orchestra- in charge of Claude Bethlehem Elks club. It was spon- ed church, Nazareth, will hold a Christmas morning worship and can ored by W. H. Enberg.

general super Emerson Mills, Bethlehem, heads the John U. Schroyer's recent statement that there is no public clamor for freeing of toll bridges in Bethlehem, the board has written to Mr. Schroyer that he pursue his efforts to conclude negotiations for the State's purchase intendent of the division. high university at noon today to continue until Thursday, Jan. 3.

which is three days more than the institution committee in charge of arrangements. He is being assisted bv Pauline Frank- Carols were sung and dancing fol dlelight service at 7 o'clock, with the senior and Junior choirs participating in charge of Charles Hess and John Fraunfelder. The offering at this lowed to music provided bv Vin had last year. This also includes the enfield, Hellertown; Raymond HofTert and Alice Green, both of Bethle- A playlet, "Christmas Come to cent Joseph and his orchestra. In charge of arrangements for the af George S.

Patton who died Friday in Heidelberg. Germany, is Colonel L. Atwood. 320 W. North who recently received a physical disability from the Army.

Colonel Atwood attended several conferences with General Patton. who led the victorious U. S. Third army from the beaches of Normandy into Czechoslovakia. As commander of the 213th Coast Artillery (anti-aircraft) regiment, of the 22nd battalion, the colonel entered Casablanca with General Patton.

Atwood. who was with the 48 En-pineer Corps Reserves in World War I. entered the global war as commander of the 213th regiment, and was among those who saw early action in Africa. He was at Corsica when invalided home. Hamelin," was featured at a party of of both the New St.

and Minsi Trail bridges in Bethlehem. John J. Shonk, president of the board, presided. nem, and Mrs. William Martz, fair were R.

Voorhees. Elmer Miller. M. Stauffer. A solo was sung by Har ennaren of the special class in High school, Bethlehem, Friday afternoon in service will be given to Bethany Orphan's home at Womelsdorf.

Walter H. Dlehl. pastor, will be in charge of the service. Betty Dunn and Marie Guidon. old Frev accompanied by his the school, with Rhea Wheatley, in mother, Mrs.

Harold Frey. Santa Claus, Bethlehem Couple Today New Year holiday and will be the longest vuletide vacation since 1941. Lehigh Township HS Pupils Present Christmas Program Students of the Lehigh township high school, Berlinsville, presented a Pine Top Trail Couple structor, in charge. impersonated by Bud Waters, distrib Stroudsburg Hospital John W. Hedge, superintendent of uted gifts to the children.

Note 28th Anniversary schools, and Ira Frankenfleld. princi Members of the committee In charge of arrangements included A Bethlehem couple. Mr. and Mrs. pal of Higbee school, made brief re Henry G.

Kohler 815 Hess marks. Santa Claus distributed gifts among the children. Stockings were James H. Baillie, chairman; Harry Miller, Wilbur Herber, Frank Bil-heimer, Roy Rhoads and Paul Huber. Christmas program in which the following took part: Mary Bohonos, Barbara Yale.

Elizabeth Szoke, Fay Anthony, Pearl Shuey, Ruth Schafer, donated by the Bethlehem Woman'; Hotel Bethlehem Employes Make Merry at Party Employes of the Hotel Bethlehem were given a Christmas party by the manager, Charles F. Knapp in the ballroom of the hotel Friday night with over 150 present. Entertainment featured the "Yo-Eddie Four" and Leon Emery and Jennie Robertson. A buffet supper was held and games club and the Business and Professional Women's club. The children presented Lester Vogel.

Margaret Binder. Har Miss Wheatley with a gift old Kromer, Carl Andrews. Beneth Ethel Schnell Becomes Bride of Glenn Haring Surgeon Moves to Easton Dr. Leon Friedman, formerly of Stroudsburg, has purchased the dwelling of 632 Chestnut Terrace. Easton.

from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Rousseau, and has moved there with his wife and son Jerry. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Friedman is a consulting surgeon at the Monroe County General hospital. Stroudsburg.

House Set Afire by Papers Used in Thawing Pipes Lighted newspapers used in an ef Besides the children, parents ffnd friends, Charlotte Starr, new school nurse, arid Mrs. James Durn, school VigilsMonday in Nazareth Church; Program Dec. 25 At the Christmas eve vigils and lovefeast Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Nazareth Moravian church, Alice Angelmire. granddaughter of Rev.

Married 62 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruch, of Pine Top trail, Bethlehem R. 1, are today observing their 62nd wedding anniversary. They -ere married on Dec.

22, 1883. by Rev. Joseph Brendel. pastor of the Reformed church at Macada. Mrs.

Bruch is the former Lillie Rit-ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank-lyn Ritter, of Rittersville. They are the parents of a son, Willis and have a granddaughter, Mrs. Emma Fennel, of Macada.

Chicajgo Flier Praises Sign in Snow at Wilson The Dixie Cup Co. of Easton yes are quietly observing their 28th wedding anniversary today. They were married Dec. 22, 1917 in Easton by Rev. C.

C. Moyer, pastor of the Evangelical church. Born in Bangor, North Wales. Mrs. Kohler is a daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. T. H. Griffith, of North Wales. Mr.

Kohler is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kohler. Bethlehem. He is a painted by trade.

The couple have two children, Henry a seaman second class. USN, and Lonnie, at home. Thev are active members of First Moravian church. and dancing followed. Krasley, Lawrence Zclinsky, Dorothy Moditch, Robert Kern, Helen Smith, Stephen Gerkovitch, DeVoe Redline, Ann Louise App, Marion Henning, Marion Shoemaker, Gloria Roth.

Russell Kromer, Ernest Reph, Naomi Hummel and James Wieand. The program was interspersed with Carols Ethel Schmell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmell of Sellersville, Saturday afternoon In St.

John's mother, were present. BS Co. Sales Department Lutheran church. Quakertown. be D.

Kreider. will sing the solo, "Morn ing Star." Others taking special paruUme the bride of Glen Haring. son HAVe XT 1 vMy finer rf Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haring of Party Held in Hote in the program are William Gano Jr, of Quakertown.

Rev. H. William Fitting ey tne school. A Christmas party with Rodney Mil Mary Jane Giering, H. T.

Vannatta GLORIA'S MIRRORED BEAUTY PARLOR Specializing in Cold Hivti 1103 WEST UNION BLVD. BETHLEHEM DIAL 7-3270 Appointment nly ODn I ta lar, assistant to the vice president in and Dorothy Bauer, Upper Bucks Democratic officiated. The bride, given by her father, had as her maid of honor. Geraldine charge of sales, as guest of honor, was held Friday night by employes of the sales department of the Bethlehem Schmell. Mrs.

Richard Cressman and The Sunday school Christmas program will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock. Colored pictures of the Nativity scene and the Scriptural Group Plans for Primaries Bucks county's Upper End Demo fort to thaw frozen water pipes in the Kreidler apartments. 511 Seneca Bethlehem, ignited the woodwork of the home, at about 1 p. m. Friday.

South Side firemen in charge of Fire Chief John Schweder and Assistant Chief Joseph Culver subdued the blaze before any serious damage resulted. Steel company in Hotel Bethlehem. Remarks were made by Clarence terday received a telegram from a private flier in Chicago, praising a Christmas" sign he had sighted while flying over Easton. The sented, Milton Reynolds, chairman of the board of the Reynolds In cratic Committeemen's Assn. is planning for the spring primaries.

On Original Carols to Be Sung At Musicale in Rosemont Prof. T. E. McCormick, formerly of Bethlehem, who recently moved to Bloomsburg. where he has assumed duties as music supervisor in the public schools and music director of the Goerlich, general manager of orders narrative will form a part of the program.

Pastor and Mrs. R. I. Giering will Virginia Scheetz were bridesmaids. Joseph Afflerbach was best man.

Richard Cressman and Ray Haring served as ushers. A reception at Trainer's followed the ceremony. The bride is employed at Perkasie hosiery mill. The bridegroom was recently honorably discharged from the Army. tne sales department: Douglas Rav Jan.

8 a special meeting will be held hold open house in the parsonage on at the North Penn restaurant. Fol lowing are the officers nominated at ternational Pen said in the message that he wishes to send a two- olds and John Young, chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements. Entertainment was provided by Frank Mease on the piano. Other members Beta Chi of Beta this weeks meeting, at which the year guaranteed Reynolds pen to the county chairman, Edward Hanco*ck. Thursday.

Dec. 27, from 7 to 9 p.m., for ex-servicemen and their wives, servicemen home on leave and their wives, and college students who are home for the holidays. of the arrangement committee were Phi Has Yule Party Beta Chi chapter of Beta Sigma person responsiDie ior tne sign. Dixie officials learned that the sign Bloomsburg Methodist church, will present original carols at a special musical service Sunday night in the Rosemont Lutheran church. Bethlehem.

The carols were comrjosed bv was the speaker: Ernest Noll, president; Harvey Frey, vice president: Arthur Hallman and Lee Smith, is in the snow on the grounds of Wil Clarenf' Benner, treasurer; Mrs. son High school, and that Mark Dean, Indiantown Union Church Candlelight Service Sunday St. Paul's Union church, Indian-town, will open its Christmas festivities Dorothy Stone, secretary; trustees ROOFING SPOUTING SHEET A1ETAL WORK HOT AIR FURNACE REPAIRS Sam N. Gallegos 33 E. Raspberry St.

BETHLEHEM Phone Son and Daughter Born I. H. Bartholomew and Dr. J. F.

of 2416 Freemansburg and Ken Leona Ruch, Charles Melchner. Henry neth Brader, of 2222 Fairview are Phi. on Thursday night held its an-i nual Christmas party at the home ot Phil Orick, 1223 Broadway, Fountain! Hill. "Yehoodies" for the year were: revealed. Christmas carols were sunR.i gifts exchanged and a luncheon served.

iexter, wunam rraibie. In Sacred Heart Hospital responsible. State Guardsman Who Fails Cross Roads Church A boy and a girl were born yester day at the Sacred Heart hospital. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

To Attend Drills Now in Jail Yule Service Sunday Emmanuel United Brethren church. Pageant in Easton Church on Sunday A pageant "The First Christmas Morning," will be presented 10 a. m. Sunday, in Trinity Evangelical church. Easton.

Children of the nursery, beginners, primary and junior classes John Schreiber, 1004 Bristol Road. Bethlehem and a daughter to Mr. and Son Born at St. Luke's A son was born Friday in St. Luke's hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Ritter, 1306 E. Fourth Bethlehem. with a candlelight hymn sing on Christmas morning at 6 o'clock. Rev.

George P. Kopenhaver, pastor of the Reformed wing, will preach and Christmas music will be given by the choir under the direction of Clayton Gable, organist and choirmaster. A candlelightcr, donated by Elaine Newhard. of Treichlers, in memory of the servicemen of the church, will be dedicated and an acolyte. Richard Mrs.

cnaries Brady, 1423 Sioux St Bethlehem. Cross Roads, Northampton county, will have a special Christmas service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday. The young peo Tax Collectors, Assessors Assn.

Names Lynn Head Martin W. Lynn, Bethlehem, was elected president of the Northampton County Tax Collectors and Assessors Thursday night at the annual meeting and Christmas party held in the Nazareth inn. Other new officers include Ammon Bitz. Washington township, first vice president: Edwin Michael, Northampton, second vice president: Charles Borrer. Northampton, secretary: Wil-rner Albert.

Wind Gap. treasurer; State Senator Carleton T. Woodring. Easton, solicitor. Elwood Good, Mt.

Bethel, retiring president, was in charge of the meeting. Remarks were made by State Senator Woodrine and by Walter J. Young, clerk of quarter sessions. Group singing was enjoyed. Entertainment was provided' by Francis Nazareth Moravian ple will present a- candlelight pageant.

Charged with a violation of the 61st article of war in failing to attend drills after enlisting in the Pennsylvania State Guard. Frank Toth. 17. Bethlehem R. 4..

has been committed to the Northampton Countv 1ail for 25 days. Major Richard O. Ketterer. Allentown, a summary court will take part in the program. Mrs.

Howard Schwarz directs the pageant The Light of Morn," under the su Church Elects Officers pervislon of Catherine Flick. Naz Gable, introduced. The service will be in charge of Rev. Rodney S. Wasser, reth.

Rev. Herbert H. Bowers is nas William E. Henry was elected an tor of the church. pastor of the Lutheran wing.

and Mrs. Irvin Bretz is in charge of properties. At the evening service the choir will present "A Night in the Orient." Emily Yahraes will direct and read. Charles Bretz will be the accompanist. elder of the council of the Nazareth Moravian church at its annual meeting this week.

Others elected are Plainfield Church Choir I officer of the State Guard, directed the sheriff to commit Toth. Commitment papers at the jail indicated that Toth had been sentenced to nay a $25 fine at a court martial, then was committed after he failed to pay the fine tin 20 days. Bethlehem Personals George Hahn, James Fry and Frank Huth. trustees; Correll McGonigle. Robert Kindt and Frank Seyfried.

To Sing Cantata Sunday The choir of Plainf.eld church on 1 1 J. wrfiiTirwiriw kit. ki7T" iorestry Board: Albert sturgis, audi Sunday at 8 p. will present the tor, and Edward Loux. secretary of cantata, "The Adoration," under the council.

Captain Thomas H. Coxe USN, superintendent of buildings of the Bethlehem school district, on leave; Law Miess. Phil Tarole and Charles Hase-necz. of Bethlehem. direction of Mrs.

George Carling, organist and choirmaster. Former Army Chaplain To Preach in Easton Honorably discharged as an Army chaplain and assigned to the pastorate of the Wissahickon Methodist church, Philadelphia Rev. Robert E. Kiefer, wiil be guest preacher Sunday morning at th- Christmas service in Calvary Methodist church, Easton. NcGUINNESS' 5 POINTS GRILL DINE DANCE At the Cross Roads of the World ROAST CHICKEN PLATTERS Dancing Every Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Soloists will be Mrs.

Flovd Breid- Selectees Induction inger. Mrs. Marion Black, Paul Sanders and Mrs. Charles Lehr. Mrs.

Helen Sandt Lehr of Stockertown, will give musical reading. Junior Councillors' Yule Dance Saturday Night Junior Councillors of Bethlehem will hold their Christmas dance Saturday night in the Masonic Temple from 8 to 11 p.m. The committee in charge of the program includes Joan Conner, chairman; Phyllis Gall. Jean Saylor. Kay Libo, Barbara Kerrick and Elizabeth Clayton.

Special prizes will be awarded to the winners of various features for the evening Members of the Bethlehem Kiwanis club, their wives and friends will serve as chaperones. Nazareth Postoffice Hours Stamp and parceloost windows at rence Kerrick. W. Market Mrs. Samuel F.

Peters. Washington Vivian Reichard. 117 Mechanic today are observing their birthdays. i Anne Russell Sawyer, 1737 w. Union will entertain at a tea Sunday afternoon at her home.

Mary Knowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Knowles, 409 Center St. and Suzanne Holton.

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Holton. Macada were hostesses Friday night at a dance for friends in DAR Memorial house. Bethlehem Store Robbed BetWehem police are investigating a robbery at the store conducted bv Michael McNamara at 426 E.

Third St. Entrance to the business house was gained by forcing a rear cellar door some time late Thursday night or early Friday morning. According to the report of Officers Reagle Rohland and Rudolph Mitman. a radio, cigars, pipes, candy, gloves, cigarettes, play, ing cards and other commodities were stolen. 500 Employes of P'burg Concern Share $50,000 Deferred for 19 Days The contingent of selectees representing December's quota from Bethlehem Draft Board No.

1. originally scheduled to leave Bethlehem on Dec. 20 for Induction, has been given a respite of 19 days. The new induction date is Jan. 8, 1946.

On Jan. 3 the board will send a group of selectees to the Wilkes-Barre center for a pre-induction physical examination. the Nazareth postoffice will be open today until 5 p. m. and tomorrow from 2 to 5 p.

m. The arrangement has been made for the convenience Herbert H. Garis, president of the J. T. Baker Chemical Phillips those still mailing Christmas cards burg.

announced yesterday that nci pacKages. postmaster J. Fetherolf 000 was distributed a a Christmas has announced. I bonus to the company's 500 employes..

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.