Is a Four-Day Work Week Realistic? (2024)

Work four days and have a three-day weekend every week? When do we start?

A new survey by shows the burgeoning movement for a four-day workweek is gaining steam. The one-sided results showed 8 in 10 full-time workers want a four-day workweek instead of the usual five-day week.

The top reasons workers cite for favoring a four-day workweek in the survey, as well as others, are it would improve work-life balance and physical and mental health. It also helped the environment, supporters claimed, by taking some commuting traffic off the streets. Also, 21 percent would take a pay cut in exchange for a four-day work week.

The idea of a shorter work week isn't new. Some businesses already employ a four-day workweek, but as a widespread business practice, it hasn't caught on. The now defunct Midwest-born New Party pushed it back in the 1990s, saying at the time that shorter workweeks would allow people to pursue the arts and leisure to bring balance to their lives.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, introduced a bill for a four-day workweek on March 14.

"Today, American workers are over 400 percent more productive than in the 1940s," he said when introducing the Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act. "And yet millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages than they were decades ago."

A supporter of four-day workweeks, Rep. Mark Takano, D- California, has been quoted as saying the change will give Americans more time "to live, play and enjoy life more fully outside of work."

The nonprofit 4-Day Week Global, which has been campaigning on this issue since 2019, said it onboarded nearly 200 companies in the past year.

According to Forbes, a U.K. study found after six months of four-day work weeks, 71 percent of workers felt less burnout, company income increased by 1.4 percent on average, and there was a dramatic decrease in employee quitting and a significant reduction in sick days.

Re-Thinking Productivity

But how would a four-day workweek be structured? Some companies have already eyed four 10-hour days, with a three-day weekend built in.

Luke Slupesky, branch director of employment staffing agency Robert Half Recruiters & Employment Agency on Americas Parkway, said he's actually had an employer request for a four-day worker.

"Literally, about a week and a half, two weeks ago, I had the first company that's asked me to look for somebody for four 10s," Slupesky said. That's four, 10-hour days.

A shift like that, Slupesky said, would work for some, but not all.

"I see the pros of it, for sure," he said. "But I do have a few cons. One would be burnout. I think it sounds good when you get Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. But when you talk about a 10-hour day and you add in a lunch, now we're talking about an 11-hour day and that's a lot of work to be condensed into a short workweek."

But people who want that would push the envelope a bit.

"I think workers may feel compelled to put in the extra hours just so they can have those days off, and that's going to cause burnout over time," Slupesky said.

The movement for four-day workweeks is trying to get around that by asking for four, 8-hour days. That would mean 32 hours rather than the typical 40 per week. And that's what the Sanders bill in Congress is pushing.

The Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act would:

  • Reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over four years by lowering the maximum hours threshold for overtime compensation for non-exempt employees.
  • Require overtime pay at time and a half for workdays longer than eight hours, and overtime pay at double a worker's regular pay for workdays longer than 12 hours.
  • Protect workers' pay and benefits to ensure that a reduction in the workweek does not cause a loss in pay.

The bill, which hasn't advanced in Congress, is endorsed by unions, including the AFL-CIO and the United Auto Workers.

Federal law has previously interceded to reduce the workweek. In 1940, the Fair Labor Standards Act dropped the standard pre-overtime hours from 44 to 40. That's the same law that mandated standards for minimum wages and time-and-a-half pay for overtime for the hours worked beyond 40.

The AFL-CIO Commission on the Future of Work and Unions, formed in 2017, has advocated for a four-day workweek as a way to reduce work hours, not just gain another day off. To keep up production while assigning full-time workers to fewer hours, the AFL-CIO commission recommended giving part-time workers and on-call workers more scheduling. The aim, the commission said, was to bargain or legislate more worker control over scheduling and a leisure dividend without any reduction in pay for workers.

Workers in the recent ResumeBuilder survey agree. They say they can get their work done in 32 hours, and they don't need to languish for 40.

At the same time, advocates of four-day workweeks want to guard against a loss of pay for workers, though some surveyed won't mind giving up some pay in exchange for a four-day workweek. So, pay and cost have the potential to become sticking points.

Julia Toothacre, a career strategist for ResumeBuilder, recommends that companies looking to switch focus on scheduling.

"One of the main challenges companies need to consider when switching to a four-day workweek is scheduling," Toothacre said in an email. "In many cases, coverage needs to be available for customers or partners, which could be a challenge if the whole company is on the same four-day schedule. If it's a varied schedule, then building utilities might increase as people are in the office longer hours and possibly more days to spread out the coverage."

Slupesky pointed out that the four-day week could raise other issues.

"There's the issue of decreased collaboration and productivity," he said. "When there's less days at work there's less opportunities to collaborate and brainstorm ... and let's say something happens on a Friday, and no one's in the office, you miss out on those opportunities, especially when other companies, dare I say most companies, are open five days a week. So you're actually potentially missing out on business."

Toothacre said productivity is already a problem.

"There is a lot of wasted time during the workweek when people are in-office," she said. "Our survey showed that people believe they can get their work done in less hours. I believe this is because they are motivated and will likely be more focused and intentional with their time because they know they are getting time back in their lives. Low productivity has more to do with expectations, accountability and management than it does with the employee's abilities."

Beyond Anecdotes and Surveys

A serious concern for those interested in a serious push for shorter workweeks is reliable studies.

That's a concern for Anderson School of Management economics professor Subramanian Iyer, who points out that serious number crunching is missing from this long-debated issue.

Most of what the public sees, he said, is usually based on anecdotal case studies conducted for a short span of time, one company here, one company there, and the evidence is mostly survey-based — surveys where people give their opinions.

"We always talk about biases and errors in statistics and one of the biases we always try to overcome is the small sample bias, making a decision based on a few data points ..., and this is something we always teach our students — don't decide based on one data point. Make sure that you analyze sufficient data points to make a decision," Iyer said.

Iyer said a shorter workweek is not a new concept by any means. A lot of research was done in the 1970s on the issue, but after a few years the movement kind of became quiet. He said we're seeing a lot of interest and advocacy for the four-day workweek after COVID-19 because, during the pandemic, work-from-home and flexible work plans were used.

Iyer said the bottom line is, unfortunately, the academic literature which lends a lot of theoretical and empirical proof to these kinds of questions, whether this really is a beneficial thing or not, has not been cited or highlighted enough (in the news). Worse, the academic literature from the 1970s onward, if taken as a whole, the results are mostly inconclusive. And there have been bad things cited in some of the academic literature.

Unemployment and Other Negatives

For example, Iyer said, companies that switch to four-day workweeks reported intense monitoring of workers. Also, scheduling became a problem, leaving the employer to coordinate a new workflow.

As for four-day workweeks saving the planet by reducing driving, academic studies have shown ambiguous results when it comes to impact on the planet, Iyer said. But most importantly is the issue of unemployment, Iyer said.

"Currently in the United States we have a period of low unemployment," he said. "A four-day workweek would mean employers have to hire more workers because ... some people will ask for a flexible worktime but during a period of low unemployment, say if the Bernie Sanders law passes and this becomes the norm, then employers would have to hire more workers to fill in the workflow and scheduling. So, because the labor market is so tight, and wage inflation is going up, employers might not find enough workers to fill these positions that might be needed to switch to a four-day workweek.

"That, in my opinion, is a more serious problem which most people are overlooking because, 'Where are you going find the workers?'" he said.

If you can't find them, Iyer said, then you have to pay more to get those workers, so that's going to complicate things. Plus, training new workers takes time, he said.

Still, Slupesky, of Robert Half job agency, said he is ready to accommodate any job placement request. A shift to four days, he points out, may require a new leadership mindset, with the key being to focus on quality and efficiency rather than merely the number of hours worked.

"I would encourage employers to investigate it and to try it cautiously," Slupesky said. "Maybe try for a month, and see what happens. There's no golden standard, there's not going to be one size fits all. I think it'll be different industry to industry, company to company ... but I think there could be some success found in it."

As inviting as it sounds, even as a path to happier workers, Slupesky has this caution: "I would make sure that that company does as much research as possible, as in where else has someone in my industry tried this and how did it go."

(c)2024 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Is a Four-Day Work Week Realistic? (2024)


Is a Four-Day Work Week Realistic? ›

We found that although there were some costs, trade-offs, and varying levels of work involved to prepare for a four-day workweek, the results were consistently positive when it came to things like employee well-being, retention, and even business outcomes.

How realistic is a four-day work week? ›

Unfortunately, a four-day week model doesn't suit every business. It's an option that is only viable for companies that can re-adapt their whole business to a new way of working. Adopting a different way of working is a big step, so you'll need to consider whether or not a four-day week is right for your company.

Is a 4-day work week still 40 hours? ›

In a four-day workweek, workers log 32 hours per week rather than 40 hours per week. Benefits and pay, however, remain the same. The four-day workweek certainly existed before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the pandemic increased conversations around and adoption of the alternative schedule.

Will the US ever have a four-day work week? ›

Is the U.S. on the cusp of a big shift to four-day workweeks? No. Of the 482 managers at firms that don't currently offer four-day workweeks, two-thirds said there is no chance their firms will offer them by the end of 2024. The other one-third say the chances are only 16 percent, on average.

Are people happier with the 4 day work week? ›

Employees' physical and mental health improves when organizations embrace a shorter workweek. Research shows people are less stressed, value their jobs more, and have better lives outside of work. Job satisfaction and employee engagement increase.

What are the criticism of 4 day work week? ›

1. Fewer Hours Means Less Time to Get Things Done. While studies have shown that a 4-day workweek can enhance productivity, it also presents a challenge. With fewer hours in the week, there may be limited time to accomplish all necessary tasks.

What is the best day to take off for a 4 day work week? ›

Mondays and Fridays off might seem like the best thing about the four-day workweek, but it turns out neither is recommended by experts. Instead, Wednesdays are considered the best for reducing stress and minimizing burnout.

How does a 4 day work week affect salary? ›

What could a four-day work week mean for my paycheck? Here's the good news: If you're a salaried employee, a four-day work week would likely mean you get more time off while receiving the same pay. In other words, no change to your regular paycheck. If you're an hourly employee, here could be changes to overtime pay.

What is 37.5 hours over 4 days? ›

Compressed hours allow staff to work their contractual hours over longer days which enables them to work a shorter week or fortnight. An example of compressed hours would be working 37.5 hours over four days instead of five, or working 30 hours over three days instead of four.

Does a 4 day work week mean 10 hours a day? ›

A 4/10 work schedule—otherwise known as a compressed schedule—is when employees work a full 40 hours a week but in 4 days instead of 5 days. This means they'll work 10 hours a day for 4 days instead of 8 hours a day for 5 days. These compressed schedules aren't just for 9-5 office spaces.

How many hours a day do you work in a 4 day work week? ›

The 4DWW is 32 hours or less. Note that a standard working week of 35 to 40 hours worked over four days instead of five is not a four-day week – that is considered to be a five-day week with compressed hours, resulting in four long workdays. There is no reduction in pay.

What would a four-day work week look like? ›

Simply put, four-day workweeks consist of four workdays instead of five. This means you work 10- or 11-hour shifts, instead of eight- or nine-hour shifts, depending on if you are required to take a lunch break. However, don't just assume you'll work Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. or something similar.

What are the disadvantages of a four-day work week? ›

Pros of a 4-day work week can include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee retention. Some disadvantages, however, can include scheduling challenges, reduced productivity, and added stress.

What is the 32-hour work bill? ›

The Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act would: Reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over four years by lowering the maximum hours threshold for overtime compensation for non-exempt employees.

What country just passed a 4-day work week? ›

Belgium became the first country in Europe to legislate for a four-day week. In February 2022, Belgian employees won the right to perform a full workweek in four days instead of the usual five without loss of salary.

What are the statistics behind the 4-day work week? ›

Let's look at the four day work week statistics:

A 2019 study at Henley Business School reports that companies that adopted a four-day week found that over three-quarters of staff (78%) were happier, less stressed (70%), and took fewer sick days (62%).

What would a four day work week look like? ›

A 4-day work week is a work schedule in which employees typically work fewer hours per week than the traditional 40 without a cut in pay or loss of benefits. Employees working a 4-day work week may work Monday to Thursday or Tuesday to Friday — all depending on their company's policy.

How many hours a day do you work in a 4-day work week? ›

The 4DWW is 32 hours or less. Note that a standard working week of 35 to 40 hours worked over four days instead of five is not a four-day week – that is considered to be a five-day week with compressed hours, resulting in four long workdays. There is no reduction in pay.

Does a 4-day work week mean less pay? ›

What could a four-day work week mean for my paycheck? Here's the good news: If you're a salaried employee, a four-day work week would likely mean you get more time off while receiving the same pay. In other words, no change to your regular paycheck. If you're an hourly employee, here could be changes to overtime pay.

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