The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS CHARLOTTESVILLE, TUESDAY AFTERNOON JUNR. 5. TOO. Kate Fatties Out bait and prevent the hair the to Besides, Herpi. most Harpicite MiLe the hair his the hair destroyed.

off la the sample will Herpicide tolet requiatte. it ft win not stain Send sasaple to The Herrior 4 60., Special Agents. and Phone 649 Typewriting Street, Charlottes rille, Va SORRIS, D. North Fourth Street, Charlottesville, Va, Professional Cards KENNIE LESTATE sod INSURANCE 0. E.

DRISCOLL, DENTIST Main, Charlottesville, Va. Phone 55. LIVES M. KIBLER CRATHIC PHYSICIAN E. Maia, Staunton, Va.

239 A.M. to 5 P.M. SHALL DIXON VETERINARY SURGEONS Night Phone Lipscomb's Stable A. HAWES is professional services the residents of Charand vicinity. a 5t.

Office Phone 127 LTER DINWIDDIE 142 Peoples National Bank HONEY TO LEND an and Lots for Sale or Rent. -Life, Health, Accident and in best companies. LAU B. YING LAUNDRY Work, Satisfaction erasteed. Gloss or Linen Finish ICES FOR RENT en for Light Housekeeping ind BED ROOMS I TO DR.

J. F. EARLY 49 Park Strect, SING AND PRESSING beast Reasonable Prices Clothing, 'Ladies' Skirts D. J. WARD, 235 W.

Main St. G. CHRISMAN living's Livery Stable. promptly day or night Main St. Phone 350.

E. WHITE, RE LAND MANI. Farm Properties BOg. 19 MONAGHAN, to $25; Pants $6 to $9 Repairing, Cleaning, Relined. Fork Telephone OF ALBEMARLE Carlottesrille, Va.

Vice- President Cashier a LES NATIONAL BANK Boxes for Rest Cacvided President Vice President Cachin 4 V. CONWAY, ROTARY PUBLIC a Mara Surect, Charlottesrille Va rich, whole ELEVEN DEAD IN WRECK Crowded Trolley Car Jumps the Track on a Carre. MANY OTHERS WERE INJURED Car Was Returning to Providence, R. 1, From Pleasure Resort When Occurred Motorman Was Unfamiliar With Road. Proridence, R.

Jase Bered persons: are dead, score and many others slightly the result of the overturning of crowded electric car at Moore's Corper, to East Providence More than 100 young men and women, who bad spent the evening at Creates Park, pragure resort od the Providence river, six milcs below this city, were on a chartered car returning to tacit in this city, Olseyrille and Thorntoa. It is believed that two of the lajured will die. The wreck occurred on the subur ban line of the laland company. The motorman charge of the car, W. J.

Laucher, of Oineyrille, altarourt experienced la his calling was familiar with the road, over be was traveling for the first time. cher was charge of the car at the solicitation of the passedgera, members of a Catholic wriety, which bad 1 to Crescent Park for outing. The car, an open one of beary build, was crowded with young med and women. Fog prevented a clear view of the road ahead. and the motormaa, us.

able to see far ahead of the car, and unaware of the sharp carve below, allowed tho car to coast rapidly down the buL Suddealy be felt the car swing into the curve, and realising the perti, applied the brakes ani re versed the power. The weight of a aumber of mca op the board and the momentum sufficed to derail the car apd throw it into the road 20 feet from the track. Beren of the passengers were pin toned beneath the car and Instantly killed. Those who were able began tho work of rescue, A large Joist was utilized as a lever, a pile of stoner! forming a fulcrum, and the car. was raised from the ground just enough to permit the escape Its imprisoned passengers.

Two persons bad mic coded is escaping abes the Joist broke under the weight of the car. and tho beary rebicle tell back. kill log two of the lafured. The rescuers agalo raised the (rm the ground, and by building pile of Leary stone kept it to maltlos whlle the dead and injured were. re Two of those taken out, John Daris and.

George both of whom had sustained fractured ebulls, diad within as hour. Motorman Loucher was not arrest. ed. The polire authorities that the motorman was not ruilty of certicence in their Ineamuch he was cofamiliar with the line, and did pot Laow of the curre. The car vis 1p charge of Conductor Joseph McQuade, who received serious tajuries.

Memorial Services To. Carl Schurt. Chirago, -Horrie in mom. ory of Carl befare Schars were beld in tbe Au ditorium an audience wbicb Ailed the great hall. The organizations under whose auspices the merliar was bald were and varied, cludiax German societies, gercelades, the Military Order.

of the Loyal Legion, posts of the 0. A. commercial organizations, political. or. cahizationa, literary cluba and service learnea Mr.

Schurs was tolled an a patriot, a statesman and a man of moral force, whom life had been a betera: to and the to mountry which which to was bin by came bis by suoption. Sell Father's Tombetent. Ournatora, June 1 salon Vacant extra lot in cemetery 10 by 20 with monument that suCciest space os fm set eral at barrain for quick sale, J. Q. 11a Mr.

Haram a lot la Elm wand, affinias the tot In which bia father is berted. There la a lares com bisons. which practically covers both lots There is as taserio me the tombatose on the side which covers the father's crave, but the on vacant the dido of the lot there la co carkiac it this side wants to solt. Our Trade With China. June 4 -The trade the -Laited States with Chica.

butletta larsed by the commerce sad labor, rapid growth daring the pas: dera to especially la exports to that try: there the Imports from Cales shows an Tonal to China la the cairodas Tiar. 1895 were and do 1535 the total tea parts from la 1798 were and 1a 120; Baby Eats Lye, But tts Life June 1-Medite ca of conce gEralad 16 old child cd trertile a of rostests with what Tetral the 1 A sated ct M4's 10a A hat AcOLY. ea tics 1 cat serribhy. seate -tat Bitters cared 1. 1.

San Obso. DIED SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE las Row dom a time to above the The sad and a of a action, pita mass the which Dr. Pierre's Medical made are the care al just root, for ard Impart 1 the for the la the heart la almost a of muscatar follows that is must be by La he the Medical fu varular a the root, setting of Malicios of dare for the to late and mot is alen woul, by DE and osbor of tar The lattor safe: direct and Medical cures brans a not but cal most tondo and strengthening the the liter. tho and curing catarrhe: a doc lions pasts of the Dr. Pierce's Pallets aure Consti pa Fortunate I was a druggist, at Livoula, writes T.

J. Dwyer, sow of arille, "three my were permanently cured of ution by Dr. King's New and are well strong today. One was move trying to sell bia property and Arizona, but after New Discovery a short time he found it to do co. I regard De King's New Discovery as the most wonderful mediclue la Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat -and Lear healer, Guaranteed by all 60c and f1.

Trial bottle free. Dewitt Sigmord, nineteen year age, accidentally shot and almost stantly killed his sweetheart, Mins Sallie Chively, aged eighteen, at her home, near Salera, Saturday. lie was viaiting the girl and the two were plays with a gun. The girl took fire car. tridges out of weapon, and be thought it was unloaded, and was she ping the trigger, when entering the weapon was discharged, the hall breast of the girl.

She died In half as Later Sigmond went to Salem, be was arrested. He is in the Roanoke jail. Mete News its New I If any one has any doubt 10. the virtue of Foley's Kidney Care, they peed to refer to Mr. Alvin of who, after almost losing hope of recovery.

on account of the failure of remedies, tinally tried Foley's Kidney Cure, which 1.6 the think" for as -bottles cared him completely. He ta now cotirely well and irre from all the suffering cident to scale wIll Drag Co. and W. 11. Shoppe.

Dr. W. 8. Christian has born elected superintendent of schools of Middles county, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Prof. Jno.

1s. Millard 1. Christian was a former erintendent of the county. It li possible to obtalo: retlet from chronic Indigestion and the of Kodal for dyspepsia. most of blandier have pleided to IL it enables row to durcat the food you eat sod ercises a innueuce, building the eMoracy of the digestive on The stomach the taller steam is asace that keeps your vita.

bealth and what you the acb -pate the la condition do the work calmse of you relief from disorders, and puts you lo shape to. do your best, and feel your best. bold Johor de Price. the residence of Mr. Ambrose May 22.

Miss Lacy Varies tacame the bride of Mr. Bery hath of ke, Greets cosaty. Rev. Arr ed tad. the The who Cistertas the gregatioo las: sally la title Foley's Hussy and With Co: W.

H. sappe Parity. quatit: Kidney that say other Thie La the inter no a cOd bald the it de A Core the de fatal If la time Drug Ca W. H. hot Cel Beer tor best A bought two Cert.

is cared care of Me to rod Erne W. H. P. B. OBERDORFER INVITES YOU TO The Great 3f June White Sale Commencing Monday, June 4th.

1... r. 70R MONTHS wa bare beea making preparations for this great ovent, caving bougat in large quantities ozly the best class of merchandise, Splondid values in dosirablo summer undormuslina. There aro dozons of dainty laco and embroidery trimmed models tor you to choote from all marked at pricas that will surpalso you with tho littleness. 75c Corset covers of good quality painsook dainty, trim: med wish embroidery and lace.

Special Price, $1.25 Corset covers of fine nainsook. two rows of val. and cinbroidery, between edged with val. ribbon run in beading--full blouse. Special Price, $1.25 Underskirts of gord quality cambric with ruffle headed with six stitched tucke, extra full, Special Price, $1.98 Lingerie gowns with -abort sleeves beautifully lioned after the French model Special Price, $1,48 75c Drawers of soft finished cluster cambric of ruffles nne of lawn hematitched with tucks.

Syecial Price, 50c as Bishop gowns of soft sheer. nainsook, round yoke of bematitching with riobon run in neck, a very dainty garment. Special Price, Embroidery and lace trimmed gown nainsook and cambrie, well made and Tried styles, Special Prices, Special on White Goods Special numbers vin white! goods, suitable for mencement gowns, French lawn, the quality that usually sells for 40c. Special Price, 25c yd 59c 46 Mercerized basinte. the snout desirable material for lingerie waists.

Special Price, 40c 2sc French lawn, finc sheer and pretty, casily worth 25c. Special Price, 15c yd, soc'36 inch Linen, ally fine and sheer. Special Price, 35c yd 32-inch F'ersian lawn, soft, silk finish, usually sells at 25c. Special Price, 15c yd $1.00 72-inch German table damask bleach, in a oum bet of handsome design. Special Price, 89c ad Extra heavy buck towels.

Soft finish checked dimi. j39x30 size, union linen. tics, -suitable for undergar. Special Price, 10c pe mento and Infants' wear. Special Price, 12 1-Ze 14 wide cream all.

wool panama, Anas quality, $1.75, quality. English long Spector Price, 89c yd cloth chamois finish, 12 ya to the piece. 36-lach wide cream all- Special Price, $139 wool Seaside Serge, 75c quality. $1.75 English nainsook, Special Price, 49c yd 13 yards to the piece. Special Peice, $1.39 pc 59c 30-inch wide cream alt- wool batiste, 36-in.

Androscoggin bleach. Special Price. 44c ad ca muslin in 10 yards to the piece. ted. 37-n.

wide 18c and value sinall dot- dots Special Price, pc Special Price, 12 Lonsdale cambric, 10 Dotted Swiss, 10 yards to the piece. 15c tonsble this seasoe, large and Special Price, 93c pC small dots, Special Price, 121-2c yd Union linen crash suiting. came as soc qualit yin white 40-inch white lawn would and: all colors, 15c. he considered good value 20C, Special values in sheets, Special Price. 12.1-2c 7d pillow cases and bed spreads Final Clearance Sale ting Of Women's Spring Suits PRICES CUT IN A TWO! WONDERFUL VALUES AWAIT THE TARDY SUIT BUYER AT OBER.

DORPER'S. Our Suit line, comprising the choicest of this season's; lashe model, in Pions, Bolero and Box Cont In Panamas and Violeo, in black and colors, also some Novelty Gray Missusci, are included in this sale show. ing at A SAVING OF 60 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. ACT AT ONCE IF YOU WANT TO SHAKE IN THIS REMARKABLE SALE OF WOMEN'S SUITS. A glance will convince you that the bargains are genuine (prices in at such or.

are much icis than sees. and stylishly snide ate conh while buying st say ex P. B. OBERDORFER.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.