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SUAVE: An Open-Source Environment for Conceptual

Vehicle Design and Optimization

Emilio Botero∗, Andrew D. Wendorff†,

Timothy MacDonald‡, Anil Variyar‡, J. Michael Vegh‡,

Trent Lukaczyk‡, and Juan J. Alonso§

Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Tarik H. Orra¶, Carlos R. Ilario da Silva‖

EMBRAER, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, 12277-901, Brazil.

SUAVE, a conceptual level aircraft design environment, incorporates multiple infor-mation sources to analyze unconventional configurations. Developing the capability toproduce credible conceptual level design conclusions for futuristic aircraft with advancedtechnologies is a primary directive. This work builds upon previous work where SUAVEanalyzed aircraft to show how SUAVE may be integrated into external packages to optimizeaerospace vehicles.

In the context of optimization, SUAVE operates as a “black-box” function with mul-tiple inputs and multiple outputs. Several convenient functions are provided to enableconnecting the optimization packages to SUAVE more easily. Assuming an optimizationalgorithm is minimizing an objective subject to constraints by iteratively modifying inputvariables, SUAVE’s code structure is general enough to be driven from a variety of opti-mization packages. To this point, connections to PyOpt and SciPy have been integratedinto SUAVE.

We present results for a multi-mission regional aircraft, a family of UAVs and a tradeoffbetween noise and fuel burn on a large single-aisle aircraft. These designs show the immenseamount of flexibility and diversity that SUAVE can handle. This includes various levels offidelity. While SUAVE is setup from the beginning to handle multi-fidelity analysis, furtherstudy is necessary to integrate multiple fidelity levels into a single vehicle optimization.

I. Introduction

SUAVE, a conceptual level aircraft design environment, was created with the goal of providing an en-vironment for both the analysis and the optimization of aerospace vehicles that would be compatible withexotic configurations. In prior work, a brief description of some of the analysis capabilities of the environmentwas presented.1 In this current work, the vision, development, and application to optimization are detailed.We believe that SUAVE’s setup will provide flexibility in aircraft study beyond traditional conceptual designlimitations.

Examination of current aircraft design tools left room for increased generality and flexibility in optimiza-tion methodologies. SUAVE’s initial code was written for use with multiple information sources and extremeflexibility. Any parameter that defines the vehicle (the configuration of the vehicle, the mission, or even theanalysis) can be exposed to an optimizer. When combining the available optimization variables with theanalysis flexibility, new paradigms in aircraft design can be explored. For example, a single aircraft can be

∗Graduate Student, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Student Member.†Graduate Student, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Student Member.‡Graduate Students (authors in alphabetical order), Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Student Members.§Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Associate Fellow.¶Aircraft Conceptual Design Engineer - Embraer, AIAA Senior Member.‖Technology Development Engineer - Embraer, AIAA Associate Member.

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optimized under multiple missions and configurations concurrently, or a family or even a fleet of aircraft canbe optimized simultaneously.

A core ideal of SUAVE’s development is maintaining robustness during optimization. The analysisroutines are coded in such a way that arbitrary inputs should always provide smoothly varying results. Forrobustness, an output should always be provided back to an optimizer even when the optimizer’s attemptedinputs are physically infeasible. This informs the optimization algorithm at every input and prevents failureof gradient-based optimizers. This requirement necessitates careful examination of the underlying code toensure that analyses will always provide finite numerical results provided the inputs meet broad specifications.

Another key feature of SUAVE is the use of underlying physical principles to analyze exotic and uncon-ventional vehicles. In these radical designs, the intuition of the classically trained designer starts to fail as thedesign space is shifted dramatically, and as a result handbook methods or rules of thumb become unreliable.Building intuition for this new design space requires both a tool such as SUAVE, and the capability to driveit in anyway the designer deems necessary. This could potentially include outside optimization routines oruncertainty quantification tools. This is not to say that this code is only applicable to yet undreamed ofconcepts. In fact, this environment is just as proficient in performing fundamental analysis on traditionalaircraft. A designer can use these tools to examine and further improve these more traditional designs.

SUAVE can either be treated as a stand-alone analysis tool or combined with external tools for optimiza-tion. When combined with external tools, SUAVE acts as a “black-box” function. The external packagecould interrogate the function to provide gradients on a setup, optimize the setup, furnish a design space withconstraint curves, perform uncertainty quantification, etc. The optimizer could be gradient based or evena population method such as a genetic algorithm. Further, several instances of these black-box functionscan be instantiated to provide parallel finite difference gradient calculations. Most importantly, none of thisrequires advanced programming ability or extensive coding time to complete. All necessary templates areprovided. This capability is important to the developers, as they hope aerospace designers will be able todevote their time to designing and studying new vehicles instead of writing code.

This paper is organized as follows: Section II provides the background of the code as well as the codestructure. Section III contains the status of the analysis capabilities within the environment. Section IVdescribes the formulation of the optimization problems from the SUAVE perspective. Section V overviewsthe various optimizers that have been successfully connected to the environment. Section VI presents threeoptimization cases: a fuel burn optimization for regional transport with additional mission constraints, afeasibility study for a family of UAVs, and a comparison of optimal aircraft for two objectives of a 180passenger single-aisle aircraft considering fuel burn and noise. Section VII contains a summary of currentcapabilities and outline of future development.

II. SUAVE Background

Robust and flexible aircraft optimization requires carefully built evaluation functions. SUAVE was con-structed with this goal in mind. A more detailed discussion of the ideas presented here may be found inReference 1.

A. Code Design Principles

To be capable of examining unconventional configurations at several levels of fidelity, we submit that amission-level design code requires flexibility, composability, and extensibility. To implement these principles,Python was chosen for its combination of object oriented programming, duck typing, concise language,portability in open source, and the community standard as glueware.

We consider flexibility to be the ability for necessary changes to be locally confined. This means that auser will not need to dig through base classes in order to make changes necessary for a different implemen-tation that utilizes existing modules. This flexibility was created by basing data structures on the Pythondictionaries, allowing data to be added, removed, and modified without directly modifying code within theclasses.

In order to design for high composibility, or the ability to create evaluation objects from a group ofsmaller objects, the code again relies on the data dictionary. This is structured to enable any number ofanalyses to add data to an evaluation. This means that any set of analyses can be created for a given vehicleand the results of those analyses can be made available for easy examination or further analysis.

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We then consider extensibility. This refers to the ability of the code to grow. For the code to beextensible, the ability to add new functionality to the code without requiring significant changes to theunderlying structure and data flow is necessary. SUAVE provides this by maintaining common interfaces fordifferent types of analysis and by making use of traditional object-oriented principles like class inheritance.

One last design principle important for the multi-fidelity capability is attribute-method orthogonality.Attributes describe the characteristics for given components, such as wing geometry, while methods determinehow those attributes are manipulated. This allows a given set of attributes to be evaluated at different levelsof fidelity without requiring different configuration attributes.

B. Attributes

SUAVE relies on attributes to store data at every part of a vehicle analysis. Some important data structuresin the current framework are Vehicle(), which stores all fixed parameters of a vehicle, and Conditions(),which stores anything that could fall under conditions in the broadest sense, such as freestream velocity oraircraft orientation. SUAVE missions are also built with attributes, allowing greater flexibility in analysis.

Another particularly important use of attributes is in the construction of energy networks, which are builtin the Vehicle() data structure. These networks are composed of a series of components that determine howenergy is generated, stored, and used in the aircraft. The flexibility of attributes here allows these networksto be expanded and condensed as desired for given levels of fidelity.

C. Methods

Methods perform actions on SUAVE attributes. By maintaining this separation, extensibility is permittedin the number of fidelity levels available in SUAVE. This hierarchy of fidelities needs to be organized ina useful way. Information sources are organized by discipline. They are given a descriptive name wherepossible. Additionally, they require common interfaces, which vary by discipline. However, they often must,at minimum, be able to accept the conditions data and manipulate it appropriately. In addition, multiplefidelities can be composed into higher level analyses. This structure allows low-fidelity and high-fidelityresults to be combined in the same analysis as desired by the user. It also allows a small number of high-fidelity points to be calculated and applied to low-fidelity results with simple corrections. These compositionscan be expressed in the top level run script, which enables rapid prototyping of functionality.

III. Analysis Capabilities

A. Base Functionality

SUAVE is currently a fully functioning aircraft conceptual design tool. Every major analysis discipline ofaircraft design is represented in the code. A full break down of the analysis capabilities of SUAVE is describedin Reference 1. For the sake of brevity, a partial list of the current capabilities is below:

• Aerodynamics for subsonic and supersonic flight

• Weight correlations for tube-and-wing, blended wing body, and human powered aircraft

• Segment based mission architecture

• Static and dynamic stability metrics

• Propulsion models for gas turbines and electric ducted fans

• Energy networks for battery, fuel-cell, and solar-panel based vehicles

• Noise correlations for tube-and-wing aircraft

• Basic performance estimation methods such as takeoff and landing field lengths and payload rangediagrams

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Some of these capabilities are also available in multiple levels of fidelity. For example, in the propulsionnetworks, different motor models exist from the most basic efficiency analysis to more complex analysis usingmanufacturer motor specifications. The open source nature of SUAVE lends the ability to contribute newanalysis capabilities for future aircraft designs. Additionally, new capabilities are added as necessary forresearch requirements.

B. New Capabilities

1. Athena Vortex Lattice

One of the main goals behind the development of SUAVE is the ability to perform design/optimization ofunconventional aircraft configurations. However, the design of unconventional configurations requires beingable to use higher fidelity analysis tools for the different disciplines when necessary. One of the first suchadvances in SUAVE is setting up an interface with Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL) which is a vortex latticecode developed for the “aerodynamic and flight-dynamic analysis of rigid aircraft”.2 Using AVL during thedesign process enables us to handle complex aircraft configurations and obtain accurate estimates of the lift,lift-induced drag, and stability derivatives for configurations in an automated fashion.

The AVL interface is implemented as a callable class similar to the other aerodynamics models imple-mented in SUAVE. This ensures that the AVL interface can easily be used as an analysis module.

The aircraft configuration stored in the vehicle data structure in SUAVE is passed in to the AVL interfacealong with the atmospheric conditions (Mach number, altitude) and the angle of attacks at which the modelneeds to be run. The interface first processes the geometry (fuselages and wings), and then generates thegeometry input file for AVL. Figure 1(a) shows the AVL geometry generated automatically by the SUAVE-AVL interface visualized in AVL. The interface also processes the conditions and generates the input deckand a batch input file containing the cases that need to be run in AVL. AVL is then executed using systemcalls from the function and the commands in the input deck file are passed to the analysis program. OnceAVL has finished running, the resulting file generated by AVL is parsed automatically and the results arestored into the SUAVE data structure.

Running AVL for each point in the mission might become extremely expensive. However, because theinterface to AVL has been set up to resemble the other aerodynamics modules in SUAVE, the AVL model canbe run as a pre-processing step for a set of angles of attack. The lift coefficient, induced drag coefficient, andmoment coefficients obtained can be regressed to build surrogates without modifying the existing SUAVEstructure. These surrogates can then be evaluated at the mission points to produce aerodynamic performanceestimates inexpensively. The drag profile of the B737 computed using AVL is shown in Figure 1(b).

(a) Automatically Generated Boeing 737-800 Input Geometryfor AVL

(b) Drag Polar for the Boeing 737-800 Obtained UsingSUAVE-AVL

Figure 1: Results Obtained Using the SUAVE-AVL Framework

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2. Aircraft Noise

External aircraft noise remains an important challenge not only for the next generation aircraft, but alsofor current airplanes in service. This is due to stricter noise regulations as well as airport restrictions, whichare constantly under discussion. Therefore, the ability to predict the external noise level based on aircraftgeometries, engine parameters, and mission performance is crucial for a conceptual design tool. In this sense,SUAVE now has the capability to predict the total Effective Perceived Noise Level (EPNL) for the threenoise certification points (sideline, flyover, and approach), as presented in Figure 2(a). The method considersthe total noise as a summation of the two main sources below:

• Airframe Noise: Fink’s methodology3 is applied to compute the sound spectra as a function of fre-quency, azimuth, and polar directivity angles. The airframe sources are divided into wing, tails, landinggears, flaps, and slats. The method calculates the one-third octave band sound pressure level for eachcomponent and then adds the acoustic pressure to obtain the sum of noise from all components.

• Engine Noise: The SAE ARP876D model4 is used to predict the noise from the gas turbine jet exhaustsystem. In this model the jet is conceptually divided into three source regions: the primary (core) jet,the secondary (fan) jet, and the mixed jet. The total jet sound pressure level is a log base 10 of thesum of the time-mean-square sound pressures from the three aforementioned components. The enginemodel at this stage does not take into account the turbomachinery and combustion noise sources.

Once the near-field sound spectra is computed for each noise source, the noise module propagates them to thefar-field desired position by applying corrections, such as atmospheric attenuation. Finally, the time-averagedEPNL values are computed. Figure 2(b) presents the calculation procedure for the external certification noisepoints.

(a) ICAO Certification Noise Measurement Points (b) Procedure for Predictions with SUAVE Noise Module

Figure 2: External Noise Certification Predictions with SUAVE Noise Module

IV. Organization for Optimization

In the development of SUAVE, one of the major objectives was to make it flexible enough to interfacewith a multitude of different optimization packages. To adapt SUAVE to all the desired optimizationprograms, each optimization package must treat SUAVE as a “black-box” where the internal programs andprocesses remain unchanged. To formulate SUAVE as a black-box, the user must define all of the inputs, theconnections between vehicles and missions, as well as the outputs to be returned. This allows the user to notonly optimize a single vehicle for a single mission, but also optimize an aircraft over multiple missions, oroptimize a fleet of vehicles for a set of missions. For instance, one can minimize fuel burn over one mission,while constraining it to be able to fly a given distance when loaded with more fuel, and be able to fly a givendistance from a specified fuel. In addition, SUAVE allows design parameters, specified by the user, to mapto their corresponding parameters inside the code. The general mathematical formulation can be written as

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subject to gj(x) = 0 j ∈ {1, ..., l}hk(x) ≤ 0 k ∈ {1, ...,m}lbi ≤ xi ≤ ubi, i ∈ {1, ..., n}x ∈ Rn


where x is a vector containing n design variables xi, which are each bounded by lower and upper bounds lbiand ubi. The objective of interest is f(x). There are l equality constraints g(x) and m inequality constraintsh(x). The design variables x would be some subset of the inputs to SUAVE and wrapping functions areprovided to enable translation between data dictionaries and design vectors.

A. Code Inputs

When determining the inputs to SUAVE, the parts to which the inputs can be broken into are: vehicleinputs, mission inputs, analyses, vehicle-mission connections, procedure, and variable setup. By determiningwhat inputs are specified and what missions are performed, the engineer will define what type of problemis being analyzed. Part of the code inputs would be the design variables of interest, but others are just theinformation required to setup SUAVE to run the desired analyses.

1. Vehicle

Within the vehicle inputs, the designer must first choose what type or types of configurations SUAVE willstudy. Does the designer want to optimize a single aisle aircraft for a 1,000 nmi mission or a family oftransoceanic aircraft sharing a common wing where one carries 300 passengers, one carries 350 passengers,and a third aircraft carries 425 passengers? Depending on the type of optimization desired, SUAVE needsto be configured to generate those results. Part of the code inputs is determining what fidelity level or levelswill be used to analyze the configurations. A CFD code could have different input requirements than avortex lattice code or even handbook methods. Making sure the necessary data is provided to SUAVE forthe desired analyses is the user’s responsibility.

2. Mission

Beyond just looking at different vehicles over the same mission, we designed SUAVE to be able to run thesame aircraft through different missions. Instead of optimizing the single aisle aircraft for a 1,000 nmi missionand not considering other missions, one could optimize over a 1,000 nmi mission, but add a constraint thatthe maximum range of the aircraft be 2,500 nmi. Just as one must specify the parameters that define eachvehicle, one must also build the missions from the different segments available or add new segments.

3. Analyses

The level of analysis fidelity for each discipline is chosen based on the desired accuracy and computationalresources available. Various levels may be chosen, depending on the problem the user wishes to run. Forexample, different fidelities of aerodynamics models or noise methods. With the vehicles and the missionsspecified, these analyses are linked with the corresponding vehicles and missions.

4. Vehicle-Mission Connections

Once the designer has defined the vehicles under consideration and the missions the vehicles needed to fly,the connection between vehicles and missions needs to be specified. This can be done by creating differentconfigurations of the same vehicle. For instance, in takeoff and landing, specifying flap and slat deployment(and thereby modifying the geometry), or specifying that only the 300 passenger aircraft will fly 8,200 nmioutlines how the vehicles created are matched with the prescribed missions. This step tells SUAVE to haveaircraft-1 run missions 1, 2, 3 while aircraft-2 only flies missions 1 and 3. It also specifies what resultsSUAVE will generate when the full analysis is completed.

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5. Procedure

The analysis of the problem requires a set of sequential actions to be performed. This is the procedure. Agreat example of this would be resizing the horizontal tail of the aircraft after a new wing area is selected bythe optimization algorithm to keep the horizontal tail volume constant. Additionally, the types of missionsare then set here such as a long range mission and short field takeoff missions. Finally the constraints andobjectives that require additional non-standard calculations can be performed as part of the procedure. Anexample of a non-standard constraint is fuel margin, that is, fuel volume available in the vehicle minus thefuel used to run the mission divided by the maximum zero fuel weight.

6. Variable Setup

The optimization interface provides a concise way to define several important features of the optimizationproblem. Including variable names (or tags), the initial guess of the variable, the lower and upper bounds,how it should be scaled to yield favorable numerics within the optimizer, and finally its units. Using theinformation provided in a tabular structure like the one shown below, accepting input vectors becomes muchsimpler, enabling SUAVE to pattern across multiple optimization packages. To switch between optimizationpackages or algorithms, only one line of the setup script must be modified.

# [ tag , initial, [lb,ub], scaling, units ]

problem.inputs = [

[ ’aspect_ratio’ , 10. , ( 5. , 20. ) , 10. , Units.less],

[ ’reference_area’, 125. , ( 70. , 200. ) , 125. , Units.meter**2],

[ ’sweep’ , 25. , ( 0. , 60. ) , 25. , Units.degrees],

[ ’design_thrust’ , 24000. , ( 10000. , 35000. ) , 24000. , Units.Newton],

[ ’wing_thickness’, 0.11 , ( 0.07 , 0.20) , .11, Units.less],

[ ’MTOW’ , 79000. , ( 60000. ,100000. ) , 79000. ,],

[ ’MZFW’ , 59250. , ( 30000. ,100000. ) , 59250. , Units.less],


Furthermore, within SUAVE we allow each design variable to be defined in any user preferred name andthen “alias” it to the internal data structure name. For example, aspect ratio above would be an alias ofproblem.vehicle.wings.main wing.aspect ratio. SUAVE uses a very verbose methodology, but if theengineer would like to use a different set of variable names for optimization, the functionality is in place.Outputs to be used for the objective function, constraints, and output characteristics of interest can alsobe defined in the same manner. This flexible naming convention also allows multiple parameters inside ofSUAVE to be varied as one design variable in the optimization process. This capability reduces the numberof variables and constraints since there are no longer multiple variables with constraints requiring that theybe equal.

B. Code Outputs

1. Results Summary

After all the code inputs, specifying vehicle characteristics, mission profiles, and vehicle-mission connectionshave been provided and the desired SUAVE analysis structure is generated, results are produced. Not allof the code outputs are relevant to a particular optimization problem. The results of interest are put intoa summary data structure. This data structure allows a designer to quickly assess the results. The codeoutputs might need to be post-processed to generate the actual result we care about for our problem. Forexample, if we are trying to meet Stage 4 noise levels, we care only about generating a cumulative total, notmatching certain levels at each condition. The objective function and constraints should be a subset of thefinal code outputs produced.

2. Data Management

This setup structure puts all of the data into a Python class. This class is called “Nexus”. The Nexus objectproduced by the class is what is called by optimization packages. A variety of methods exists to return

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computed values depending on the format the optimizer prefers. When an optimizer queries these methods,the method expects a scaled input vector that matches the inputs set prior. If setup by the user correctly,the inputs and outputs are scaled to order one. This setup allows SUAVE to accommodate any foreseeableoptimization package.

V. Optimizers

With a general interface in place, SUAVE can be incorporated into a number of different optimizationpackages. SUAVE currently possesses wrappers that interface directly only with pyOpt and SciPy. However,the interface is designed to be easily extensible to allow additional optimizer support.

A. PyOpt

PyOpt is a Python package containing a variety of nonlinear optimizers.5 Inputs to pyOpt are handled viathe format shown in Section IV. Two of pyOpt’s optimizers have been used and tested with SUAVE. Thefirst is a Sparse Nonlinear Optimizer (SNOPT) module, which relies on a Sequential Linear Programmingalgorithm and quasi-Newton methods.6 The second is the Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP)algorithm, another quasi-Newton method.7 A variety of other optimizers from pyOpt have also been in-tegrated into this framework, including not only other quasi-Newton methods, but also population-basedmethods. Nonetheless, they have not been thoroughly tested at the time of this writing. Interested usersare encouraged to explore the features for themselves and report any issues to the development team.

B. SciPy

SUAVE is also capable of interfacing with SciPy’s optimization toolbox.8 Like pyOpt, inputs to SciPy’soptimization package are handled using the format in Section IV. The SciPy optimization package as ofthe time of writing includes a wide variety of optimization algorithms, including a Nelder-Mead simplexalgorithm, SLSQP, and conjugate gradient methods, among others.7,9 The simplex method has been usedto solve a few optimization problems, an example of which can be seen in Reference 10. Currently, SUAVE’sSciPy wrapper can only directly handle constraints from its SLSQP optimizer. To use other optimizers fromSciPy’s library, the user must define properly-scaled penalty functions within the interface’s procedure filethat alter and return the objective to ensure that the problem is well-formulated.

VI. Design Studies

Building upon the capabilities shown in our previous work,1 three design studies are shown. We present anoptimized regional transport, a feasibility study for a family of solar UAVs, and a trade study for commercialaircraft looking at the tradeoffs between noise and fuel burn.

A. Regional Transport

For our first case, we decided to use a standard tube-and-wing configuration as these methods inside SUAVEare most mature and most thoroughly developed. Our initial aircraft is closely based off of the EmbraerE-19011 and incorporates constraints necessary to design a reasonable vehicles while minimizing the fuelburn of the aircraft over a 1000 nautical mile mission. The vehicle must also fly 2300 nautical miles atmaximum takeoff weight and takeoff from a short field and travel 500 nautical miles. This case uses 13 designvariables incorporating geometric characteristics of the wing, takeoff weight for the three missions, a ratioof maximum zero fuel weight to maximum takeoff weight, and design thrust at top of climb. We currentlyresize the horizontal tail based on the horizontal tail area to wing area ratio of our baseline aircraft, baselinehorizontal tail area is 26 m2. The methods used to analyze the vehicle are first order methods outlined ina prior publication.1 All design variables, their initial conditions, optimized results found using SNOPT inPyOpt, upper and lower bounds, and objective results are shown in Table 1.

Looking at these results, we see the vehicle pushes up to the bounds for the taper and sweep. Also,looking at the constraints, shown in Table 2, we see the span constraint is limiting the wing aspect ratio forthe wing area necessary.

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Table 1: Transport Design Variables with Initial Conditions, Optimal Results, and Bounds

Initial Optimized Result Lower Bound Upper Bound

Wing Aspect Ratio [-] 8.4 12.4 5 20

Wing Area [m2] 92 104 70 200

Wing Tip Twist [◦] -2 -4.52 -12 12

Wing Sweep [◦] 23 30 0 30

Wing Taper [-] 0.28 0.1 0.1 1

Wing t/c [-] 0.11 0.116 0.07 0.2

Design thrust [N] 42500 36000 10000 70000

Maximum Takeoff Weight [kg] 56200 56100 20000 100000

MZFW Ratio [-] 0.765 0.799 0.7 0.99

Short Field Takeoff Weight [kg] 48000 48600 20000 100000

Design Takeoff Weight [kg] 50000 50600 20000 100000

Design Mission Fuel Burn [kg] 4630 4070 - -

Table 2: Constraints for Optimization Study

Constraints Optimized Result Bound

MZFW Consistency 9.49e-7 ≥ 0 [-]

Short Field Fuel Margin 0.0391 ≥ 0 [-]

Design Range Fuel Margin -1.01e-6 ≥ 0 [-]

Maximum Range Fuel Margin -1.01e-6 ≥ 0 [-]

Wing Span 118 ≤ 118 [ft]

Flyover Noise 91.5 ≤ 92.5 [dB]

Sideline Noise 89.0 ≤ 95 [dB]

Approach Noise 90.9 ≤ 99 [dB]

Maximum Range Takeoff Length 1500 ≤ 2056 [m]

Short Field Takeoff Length 1165 ≤ 1165 [m]

Landing Field Length 1630 ≤ 1700 [m]

Second Segment Max Range Climb Gradient 5.14 ≥ 2.4 [%]

Second Segment Short Field Climb Gradient 7.35 ≥ 2.4 [%]

Maximum Throttle 0.971 ≤ 1 [-]

As one might expect, the takeoff weight margins approach zero since the optimal aircraft will not carrymore fuel than necessary to complete the specified mission along with the necessary reserve requirements.The maximum zero fuel weight consistency constraint also approaches the bound since any excess weightwould be payload not taken credit for in the objective. Additionally, we see the maximum throttle movesto close to 1, but not exactly 1 as would be expected as we use the top-of-climb point to design the vehicle,but the vehicle critical throttle condition is on takeoff which is not part of the mission. We have set the flaptakeoff angle to 20 degrees and the landing flap angle to 30 degrees. If the takeoff flap angle were increased ina future optimization, then the design thrust could potentially be reduced. Comparing the drag breakdownof the baseline aircraft during the design mission shown in Figure 3 with the drag breakdown of the optimalaircraft profile shown in Figure 4, the compressibility drag and induced drag have been significantly reduced.

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Figure 3: Baseline Aircraft Drag Breakdown

Figure 4: Optimal Aircraft Drag Breakdown

This is expected with the additional span and sweep added to the wing. With these changes, the maximumdrag coefficient at any point is reduced by approximately 21%. Since the wing area has been increased, thisdrag value will not directly correspond to the fuel burn reduction, but having a 12% reduction in fuel burnseems reasonable.

Starting from an initially feasible design, the optimizer tries to obtain a more efficient aircraft with lowerfuel burn while meeting the constraints including the gate constraint and the takeoff and landing field lengthconstraints. This results in an increase in the main wing aspect ratio in order to reduce the induced drag.The increase in wing aspect ratio results in an increase in the main wing area. This causes the thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing to increase, ensuring that the wing weight does not increase significantly whichcauses the wing sweep to increase in order to reduce the compressibility drag of the aircraft. These designdecisions made automatically by the optimizer match the basic design intuition which serves as a furthervalidation of the results.

Overall, the results we see from this regional aircraft optimization match general trends one would expect.

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We do realize, however, the need to add additional constraints for stability of the aircraft among others alongwith design variables for wing location, horizontal tail area, and flap and slat deflections. This case illustrateshow SUAVE can be used in the optimization of a traditional tube-and-wing configuration flying multiplemissions with a single aircraft.

B. Family of High Altitude Long Endurance Solar UAVs

Within SUAVE it is possible to instantiate different configurations of a single base vehicle. This ability isincredibly powerful for a user who would like to design a family of aircraft, like the Airbus A320 series.Further, one can use this even to instantiate completely different vehicles and analyze them together for afleet.

To illustrate this we have chosen an atypical aircraft design, a solar UAV family. The analysis modulesused in the optimization are outlined in a previous paper.1 The family of vehicles has similar wing sectionsand motors, but differs in the number used. This concept was used on the NASA Helios as it evolved withadded wing sections.12 However, from the beginning, we will design two vehicles with differing requirementsusing the same hardware. This could allow an operator to meet the needs of different customers withoutpurchasing an additional vehicle, or allow for more spare parts.

The vehicles had various requirements. First both vehicles must be capable of operating continuouslythroughout the tropical regions. Second, it must not conflict with normal commercial air traffic, thereforethe loiter altitude was chosen to be 15 km. The smaller vehicle, “Vehicle A”, carries a 25 kg payload thatuses 50 watts of power. The larger vehicle, “Vehicle B”, carries a 50 kg payload that requires 100 watts ofpower. Both vehicles also require 25 watts continuously to power avionics. Vehicle A has one motor andfour wing sections, while Vehicle B has two motors and seven wing sections.

The mission is at constant dynamic pressure and uses a constant altitude loiter segment. Using dynamicpressure rather than velocity is convenient as it directly sizes the structure, and is a more useful quantity fordesigning a Solar UAV. The mission spans 24 hours, and is initialized at the Tropic of Cancer on the WinterSolstice. This is the most difficult day and location to fly a solar UAV within the Tropics.

Several assumptions to efficiencies are made. The motor is assumed to be 90% efficient and the propellersoperate at 85% efficiency. These values were chosen after the designer had run many higher fidelity simula-tions to determine reasonable values for this type of vehicle. The solar panels are assumed to be 25% efficientand weigh 0.6 kg/m2. The battery energy density is assumed to be 350 W-hr/kg. The design variables withbounds are shown in Table 3 with the optimized results.

Table 3: Design variables, optimized results, and bounds for the Solar UAV Family

Variable Optimized Result Lower Bound Upper Bound

Section Chord Length [m] 2.04 0.01 10.0

Section Span [m] 10.1 1.0 12.0

Vehicle A Dynamic Pressure [Pascal] 45.0 1.0 1000

Vehicle B Dynamic Pressure [Pascal] 55.8 1.0 1000

Vehicle A Initial Charge [%] 26.0 1.0 100

Vehicle B Initial Charge [%] 27.7 1.0 100

Vehicle A Total Mass [kg] 363 50 1500

Vehicle B Total Mass [kg] 824 100 1500

Panel Area Ratio [%] 78.2 10.0 95.0

The vehicles are not optimized for an objective. Rather they are run through an optimizer to find afeasible vehicle using the constraints. In this case a designer may not have the intuition to select initialparameters that will produce a feasible vehicle based on prior experience. For example, with the priorRegional Transport aircraft the initial conditions were an existing regional jet that met constraints. Adesigner could then choose an characteristic he or she would want to optimize.

For these vehicles the constraints were mostly energy related. First, the energy in either vehicles batterycannot go to zero at any point during flight. Second, the energy at the end of the mission must be the same

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or greater than the beginning of the mission. This ensures limitless endurance. The battery mass must alsobe greater than zero. This is applied as the battery mass is sized upon every iteration as the remaining massafter all other components. Finally the coefficient of lift of the wing must be less than 1.2.

The zero energy constraint and coefficient of lift constraints are formulated using a p-norm function. Thiswas done to introduce smoother gradients than the using a maximum function for looking at the maximumvalue in a vector. The coefficient of lift, had the desired 1.2 subtracted off before, to scale it to zero. Afeasible design will have both of these constraints at zero. The results of the constraints are shown in Table4. The results are converged as far as the optimizer is concerned.

Table 4: Constraints for Optimization Study

Constraints Optimized Result Bound

Vehicle A Zero Energy 0.0 ≤ 0 [-]

Vehicle B Zero Energy 1.44e-07 ≤ 0 [-]

Vehicle A Continuity 0.033 ≥ 0 [-]

Vehicle B Continuity -5.10e-07 ≥ 0 [-]

Vehicle A Battery Mass 158 ≥ 0 [kg]

Vehicle B Battery Mass 251 ≥ 0 [kg]

Coefficient of Lift 0 ≤ 0 [-]

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Time (mins)











r Fl

ux (W/m


Figure 5: Solar Flux

The results showed that the battery mass constraints and the coefficient of lift constraints were not activeat the feasible point. The solar flux available to the vehicle is rather the limited in magnitude and durationon the winter solstice as can be seen in Figure 5. The maximum value of 854 W/m2, is far less than thestandard AM0 value of 1367 W/m2.13 For the altitudes prescribed, the velocities that correspond to thesedynamic pressures are 21.5 and 23.9 m/s, respectively. The battery charge states throughout the cycle canbe seen in Figures 6 and 7. The energy required for the larger vehicle is about double that of the smallerone.

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0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Time (mins)












y (



Figure 6: Vehicle A Battery Energy

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Time (mins)












y (



Figure 7: Vehicle B Battery Energy

C. Fuel Burn-Noise Single-Aisle Airliner

The last optimization case investigated in this work is aimed at including noise not only as a design constraintbut also as an objective function by incorporating the high fidelity model, now available within SUAVE, foraircraft noise. The idea is to start from a reference aircraft and optimize it for two different cases: fuel burnand noise. Our baseline aircraft is based on a 180 passenger, single-aisle aircraft. The optimization procedureintegrates disciplinary analyses including mission performance, aerodynamics, and component weights.

All design variables (their initial conditions from the reference airplane and optimized results for boththe fuel burn and noise cases, found using SNOPT in PyOpt) and the objective results are shown in Table 5.Two specific design variables were included specially for the noise optimization study: takeoff speed increaseand the thrust cutback altitude, which influences mainly the flyover noise point. The constraints for thenoise optimization studies are presented in Table 6. In addition to traditional performance constraints suchas field length performance and fuel margins, the maximum cumulative certification noise is included.

Table 5: Noise Evaluation Case: Design Variables with Initial Conditions, Optimal Results, and Bounds

Reference airplane Fuel Burn Case Noise Case

Wing Area [m2] 124.8 133.0 159.1

Aspect Ratio [-] 10.2 9.7 8.1

Wing Sweep [◦] 25.0 35.0 31.7

Wing t/c [-] 0.105 0.111 0.115

Design Thrust [N] 52700 48495 49545

MTOW [kg] 79090 77465 77660

MZFW Ratio [-] 0.770 0.786 0.777

Takeoff Flap Angle [deg] 10 20 13

Landing Flap Angle [deg] 40 40 3

Short Field Takeoff Weight [kg] 64030 63674 63320

Design Takeoff Weight [kg] 68520 67827 67644

Takeoff Speed Increase [knots] 10 10 10

Noise Cutback Altitude [ft] 305 305 382.2

Fuel Burn in Design Mission [kg] 8820.3 8275.9 8611.0

Noise Cumulative Margin [dB] 12.7 17.0 22.9

As can be seen in Table 5, when fuel burn is the objective function, the wing area and takeoff flaps are

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Table 6: Constraints for Noise Optimization

Bound Initial Fuel Noise

MZFW Consistency [kg] ≥ 0 7 0 0

Design Range Fuel Margin [kg] ≥ 0 50 -11 9

Short Field Fuel Margin [kg] ≥ 0 47 -11 10

Maximum Range Fuel Margin [kg] ≥ 0 41 -13 0

Wing Span [m] ≤ 35.97 35.97 35.97 35.97

Flyover Noise [EPNdB] ≥ 0 3 4 7

Sideline Noise [EPNdB] ≥ 0 5 7 7

Approach Noise [EPNdB] ≥ 0 4 5 9

Cumulative Noise Margin [EPNdB] ≥ 10 12 16 23

Maximum Range Takeoff Length [m] ≤ 1985 2179 1929 1611

Landing Field Length [m] ≤ 1385 1382 1298 1385

Second Segment Max Range Climb Gradient [-] ≥ 0.024 0.054 0.037 0.025

Second Segment Short Field Climb Gradient [-] ≥ 0.024 0.088 0.067 0.057

Maximum Throttle [-] ≤ 1 1 1 1

Short Field Takeoff Length [m] ≤ 1330 1441 1330 1118

increased compared to the initial aircraft to compensate for the reduced engine size. The wing thickness isalso increased, to increase the maximum lift coefficient. This has required additional wing sweep in order toovercome the increase in the transonic drag. The aspect ratio is reduced to comply with the gate constraint,which limits the maximum allowed wing span.

When we look for the noise as the objective function, the wing area is further increased, in order to reducethe landing flap position, which plays an important role in the approach noise point. There is a trade-offbetween flap noise and wing area related noise. The wing sweep is reduced compared with the fuel burn casedue to the need of higher maximum lift coefficient, so the landing speed is reduced and as consequence alsothe approach noise. Again, the aspect ratio is reduced to comply with the gate constraint. This reductionleads to a lower climb gradient, leading to higher engine thrust requirement. For the takeoff performance,it is noticed that the noise case presents better performance than the requirement. For noise purposes, theearly takeoff allows the airplane to fly over the microphone at a much higher altitude, reducing the certifiednoise. This can also be verified by the takeoff flap position, which presents a trade-off between taking offsoon and passing high over the microphone or taking off with a smaller flap deflection and a lower altitude,resulting in lower flap noise.

For completeness, Table 7, Table 8, and Table 9 show the influence of the airframe and engine noisesources for each certification point and for the optimization cases presented. In all cases, the airframecomponent is the major source for the approach condition whereas the engine component is the principalsource for the sideline point. This results are only intended to corroborate the correctness of the physicalaspects of the noise model. It is also possible to verify that due to the increased designed thrust from thefuel burn case, the sideline noise level has also increased compared to the noise case.

Table 7: Initial case: Source components breakdown

Airframe Engine Total

Sideline [EPNdB] 76.5 91.4 91.6

Flyover [EPNdB] 87.8 81.3 88.7

Approach [EPNdB] 96.1 66.2 96.1

Figure 8 depicts the airframe noise components breakdown (wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail, flap, slat,

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Table 8: Fuel burn case: Source components breakdown

Airframe Engine Total

Sideline [EPNdB] 78.8 89.3 89.7

Flyover [EPNdB] 86.7 78.8 87.4

Approach [EPNdB] 94.7 63.6 94.7

Table 9: Noise case: Source components breakdown

Airframe Engine Total

Sideline [EPNdB] 77.5 89.7 89.9

Flyover [EPNdB] 83.9 78.8 85.1

Approach [EPNdB] 90.7 63.9 90.7

nose and main landing gears) for the approach condition for the three cases investigated. The landing flapconfiguration for the noise case is the major noise reduction achieved by the optimization, as expected. Themain difference between the baseline design and the design optimized for fuel burn is the approach referencevelocity (Vref).

The results shows a reduction of approximately 6.2% of fuel consumption for the fuel burn case and a11 EPNdB quieter aircraft for the noise case. Although only the noise certification points were presented inthis paper, SUAVE has the capability to investigate and optimize noise-based operations for airports withmore noise restrictions, such as steep approach and dynamic cut back.

Figure 8: Airframe noise sources breakdown comparison

VII. Summary

Throughout this work, we have shown how SUAVE, a conceptual aircraft design environment, has beenimproved through new capabilities and integrated with external optimization packages. Building off of ourprevious work1 where there is attribute-method orthogonality, we have added a higher fidelity aerodynamicsmodel in AVL. In addition, we have improved the noise methods, critical in analyzing future designs due tomore severe benchmarks being put in place for certification.

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To take advantage of these new methods, we created an interface framework that is agnostic to the typeof optimization package. Currently, links to both SciPy and PyOpt have been created allowing a multitudeof different optimization algorithms to become available to users of SUAVE.

Three design studies were considered. In the first design study, we started with an existing feasible designof an existing regional transport similar to the Embraer E-190 and optimized it for reducing fuel burn. Inthe process we found a 12% reduction in fuel burn compared to the baseline vehicle. We observed thatthe optimizer made reasonable design trades from the perspective of an aerospace engineer using first ordermethods.

In the second study, we made an entry into an unexplored design space for a family of modular solarUAVs. Using the optimization framework, two configurations using similar motors and wing sections weredriven to a feasible design. These two results are good starting points for a future in-depth study.

In the final study, starting from a Boeing 737, two optimizations with different objectives of noise andfuel burn were optimized while using the same set of constraints. It was observed that to reduce noise,flap angles for the main wing during takeoff and landing were decreased. However, to reduce fuel burn, theflap angles were increased. In both scenarios, vastly different, but feasible wing designs were chosen by theoptimizer. This demonstrates SUAVE’s ability to discover intuitive, but non-obvious results that supportthe designer in the design process.

The open-source nature of SUAVE has allowed the code to expand and fill needs the original codedevelopers could not foresee. Thankfully, the coding style has allowed for greater expansion and we planto continue the momentum of growing the code. Various tasks have yet to be tackled including geometryoutput and structural design. We invite others to attempt to dream up new designs and see what SUAVEcan do for them to improve their vehicles.


Emilio Botero would like to acknowledge the support of the Department of Defense (DoD) through theNational Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Program.

Michael Vegh would like to acknowledge the support of the DoD through the Science Mathematics andResearch for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program.

Anil Variyar would like to acknowledge the support of the Stanford Graduate Fellowship.The authors would like to acknowledge Timothy Momose for his contributions in linking SUAVE with

AVL as well as his numerous other additions throughout the code development.


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