KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL605 (KLM277) van Amsterdam naar San Francisco (2024)

14. jun 2024





10h 55m
8,796km / 5,429mi


San Francisco

14 Jun 10:10 CEST
14 Jun 09:50
08:10 UTC

14 Jun 11:45 PDT
18:45 UTC
" : ""}KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL605 (KLM277) van Amsterdam naar San Francisco (4)`; if (activeHex in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); } const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; document.getElementById(`mi-${activeHex}`).style.transform = `rotate(${lp[2]}deg)`; activeMarker = null; } activeHex = null; liveTrack = null; liveMarker = null; estTrack = null; document.getElementById('liveMapContainer').style.display = 'none';} /** * Recalculates the new position of a marker based on the time elapsed and its previous state. * @param {Object} liveMap */async function updateCalc(liveMap) { if (recalcInProg || liveMap.getZoom() < 6) { return; } recalcInProg = true; for (const [key, prevPos] of Object.entries(lastPos)) { if (key in marker && prevPos[3] >= 50 && !prevPos[6]) { const speed = prevPos[3] || 0; const interval = Date.now() - prevPos[4]; const dist = speed * interval / 1000 / 3600 * 1852; if (dist < 20) { continue; } // calculate next position const lat1 = toRad(prevPos[0]); const lon1 = toRad(prevPos[1]); const brng = toRad(prevPos[2]); const lat2 = Math.asin(sin(lat1) * cos(dist / r_earth) + cos(lat1) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(brng)); const lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(sin(brng) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(lat1), cos(dist / r_earth) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)); const lat2d = toDeg(lat2); const lon2d = toDeg(lon2); lastPos[key] = [lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[2], prevPos[3], Date.now(), prevPos[5], prevPos[6], prevPos[7]]; marker[key].setLatLng([lat2d, lon2d]); if (liveTrack && activeMarker == key) { const l = liveTrack.getLatLngs(); l.push(L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[5])); try { liveTrack.setLatLngs(l); } catch (e) { /* Catch error silently. */ } if (activeDest) { const tn = L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d); liveMap.removeLayer(estTrack); const arcOptions = { color: "lightgray", noClip: true, vertices: 100 }; estTrack = t.lng < tn.lng ? L.Polyline.Arc(activeDest, tn, arcOptions) : L.Polyline.Arc(tn, activeDest, arcOptions); estTrack.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(estTrack); } } } } recalcInProg = false;}/** * Fetches data from a specific URL, handles errors and returns the JSON response. * @param {string} url */async function getData(url) { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: auth_token } }); if (!response.ok) { handleFetchErrors(response); return null; } if (sf === "") { document.getElementById("liveUpdErr").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound").style.display = 'none'; } return response.json();}/** * Handles errors during fetch call * @param {Object} response */function handleFetchErrors(response) { if (sf !== "") return; const liveUpdErr = document.getElementById("liveUpdErr"); const liveUpdNotFound = document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound"); const liveMapContainer = document.getElementById("liveMapContainer"); if (response.status !== 404) { refreshsActive = false; liveUpdNotFound.style.display = 'none'; liveUpdErr.style.display = 'block'; liveMapContainer.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("liveUpdErrCode").innerText = response.status; } else { liveUpdErr.style.display = 'none'; liveMapContainer.style.display = 'none'; liveUpdNotFound.style.display = 'block'; }}async function updateMap(liveMap, fromZoom, clickHex) { if (documentIsHidden()) return; const bounds = liveMap.getBounds(); const url = constructURL(bounds, liveMap.getZoom(), clickHex); if (updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom)) return; recalcInProg = true; lastUpdate = Date.now(); updateInProg = true; const ld = await getData(url); if (!ld) { updateInProg = false; return; } processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex);}function documentIsHidden() { return typeof document.hidden !== "undefined" && document.hidden;}function constructURL(bounds, zoom, clickHex) { const widthText = screenWidth > 1000 ? "large" : "small"; const hexIncl = clickHex ? `?incl=${clickHex}&` : "?"; return `/en/live/map/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lat * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lat * 1e5)}/` + `${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lng * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lng * 1e5)}/${zoom}/${widthText}` + hexIncl + `${Math.floor(Date.now() / 5000)}`;}function updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom) { if (updateInProg) { return true; } const freq = fromZoom ? minZoomFreq : minRefreshFreq; return Date.now() - lastUpdate < freq;}function processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex) { newMarker = {}; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; document.getElementById("nr_flights_disp").innerText = ld["f"]; document.getElementById("nr_flights_tot").innerText = ld["t"]; const st = screenWidth / ld["f"] > 5; const redraw = st !== hadTitles; for (const entr in ld["m"]) { const e = ld["m"][entr]; handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st); } hadTitles = st; removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap); updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; firstUpd = false; if (clickHex) { marker[clickHex].fire('click'); }}function handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st) { if (e[4] == null || e[5] == null) { return; } const currentPos = L.latLng(e[4], e[5]); if (redraw && e[0] in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[e[0]]); delete marker[e[0]]; } if (e[0] in marker) { updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos); } else { createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st); }}function updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos) { const m = marker[e[0]]; m.setLatLng(currentPos); lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6], Date.now(), e[7], e[8], e[9]]; newMarker[e[0]] = true; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st) { const htmlc = (st ? "

" + e[9] + "

" : "") + "KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL605 (KLM277) van Amsterdam naar San Francisco (5)"; const m = L.marker(currentPos, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: e[0], opacity: e[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[e[0]] = m; newMarker[e[0]] = true; lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6], Date.now(), e[7], e[8], e[9]]; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap) { for (const m in marker) { if (!(m in newMarker) && m != activeHex) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[m]); delete marker[m]; } }}function onPlaneClick(e) { if (sf != "") { return; } updateInProg = true; const liveMap = e.target._map; const hex = e.target.options.alt; if (hex == activeHex) { return; } updateTrack(liveMap, `/${lang}/live/track_hex/${hex}`, hex, e);}function onMoveend(e) { localStorage.setItem('livemapCenter', JSON.stringify(e.target.getCenter())); localStorage.setItem('livemapZoom', e.target.getZoom()); updateMap(e.sourceTarget, false); } function onZoomed(e) { updateMap(e.sourceTarget, true) }// Define a utility function for creating a markerfunction createMarker(latLng, iconClass, htmlContent, alt, opacity) { return L.marker(latLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: iconClass, html: htmlContent }), alt: alt, opacity: opacity, }).on('click', onPlaneClick);}function updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, e) { let prevCoord = null; let prevCoordFull = null; getData(url).then(function (ld) { if (!ld) { return; } const hadNoHex = hex === ""; if (hex === "" && url.includes("hex")) { hex = ld[0]; } else if (hex === "") { hex = ld[1]; } if (activeMarker && hex !== activeHex) { // Reset old marker const lp = lastPos[activeHex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL605 (KLM277) van Amsterdam naar San Francisco (6)"; liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; document.getElementById("mi-" + activeHex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; activeMarker = m; } // Set new marker if (hex !== activeHex && e) { const lp = lastPos[hex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL605 (KLM277) van Amsterdam naar San Francisco (7)"; const m = L.marker(e.target.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: hex, opacity: ld[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[hex] = m; liveMap.removeLayer(e.target); activeMarker = m; } refreshsActive = true; recalcInProg = true; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; track = ld[23]; if (sf === "") { if (ld[0] !== "") { domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ld[0]; } else { domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = ""; } if (ld[21]) { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ld[21]; } else { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ""; } domElements.get("liveHex").innerText = ld[1]; if (ld[2] !== "" && ld[2] !== ld[0]) { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ld[2]; } else { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ""; } if (ld[3] !== "") { domElements.get("liveReg").href = `/${lang}/planes/${ld[3]}`; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "block"; domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = ld[3]; } else { domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveReg").href = ""; } if (ld[4] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = ld[5]; domElements.get("liveDepFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[6].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveDep").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[5]}/${ld[4]}`; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ld[11]; if (ld[19] && ld[19] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ld[19]; } else { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[7] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = ld[8]; domElements.get("liveArrFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[9].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveArr").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[8]}/${ld[7]}`; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ld[12]; if (ld[20] && ld[20] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ld[20]; } else { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[10] !== null) { domElements.get("liveLink").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "none"; } const lt = track[track.length - 1]; domElements.get("liveAlt").innerText = lt[3] + " ft"; domElements.get("liveSpeed").innerText = lt[5] + " kts"; domElements.get("liveTrack").innerText = lt[4] + "°"; if (ld[18] !== "") { domElements.get("planePic").src = ld[18]; domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "none"; } if (ld[22]) { domElements.get("liveType").innerText = ld[22]; domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveType").innerText = "NA"; } } // update upper items if relevant const liveStatusInd = domElements.get("liveStatusInd"); const liveStatusText = domElements.get("liveStatusText"); if (liveStatusInd && true) { if (!domElements.has("liveTrackHB")) { domElements.set("liveAltHB", document.getElementById("liveAltHB")); domElements.set("liveSpeedHB", document.getElementById("liveSpeedHB")); domElements.set("liveTrackHB", document.getElementById("liveTrackHB")); domElements.set("liveDataHB", document.getElementById("liveDataHB")); } liveStatusInd.innerText = ld[17] ? "Live" : "Geland"; const lt = ld[23][ld[23].length - 1]; if (domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB")) { domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[11]; domElements.get("arrTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[12]; domElements.get("depDelHB").innerText = ld[19]; domElements.get("arrDelHB").innerText = ld[20]; domElements.get("liveAltHB").innerText = lt[3]; domElements.get("liveSpeedHB").innerText = lt[5]; domElements.get("liveTrackHB").innerText = lt[4]; } if (!ld[17]) { domElements.get("liveDataHB").style.display = "none"; } } if (liveStatusText && ld[17]) { liveStatusText.innerText = ""; } if (ld[13] !== null && ld[14] !== null && track.length > 0 && Math.abs(ld[13] - track[0][1] / 1e5) > 1 && Math.abs(ld[14] - track[0][2] / 1e5) > 1) { arcs.push([[[ld[13], ld[14]], [track[0][1] / 1e5, track[0][2] / 1e5]], "lightgray", true]); } prevCoord = null; prevCoordFull = null; lp = null; for (const entr in track) { const p = track[entr]; if (p[1] === null || p[2] === null || p.length == 0) { continue; } let col = "green"; if (prevCoord && (Math.abs(prevCoord[0] - p[1] / 1e5) > 1 || Math.abs(prevCoord[1] - p[2] / 1e5) > 1)) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); arcCol = ""; arcs.push([[[prevCoord[0], prevCoord[1]], L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])], "lightgray", true]); curArc = [L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])]; } else if (arcCol !== col) { if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); } if (prevCoord) { curArc = [prevCoord]; } else { curArc = []; } arcCol = col; } prevCoordFull = [p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[4], p[5], Date.now(), p[3], false, ld[0]]; prevCoord = L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3]); curArc.push(prevCoord); if (p[4] !== 0) { lastTrack = p[4]; } } if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol]); } if (ld[15] !== null && ld[16] !== null && prevCoord && (Math.abs(prevCoord.lat - ld[15]) > 0.1 || Math.abs(prevCoord.lng - ld[16]) > 0.1)) { arcs.push([[prevCoord, [ld[15], ld[16]]], "lightgray", true]); activeDest = L.latLng(ld[15], ld[16]); } for (const idx in tracks) { tracks[idx].remove(); } tracks = []; for (const idx in arcs) { const a = arcs[idx]; if (a[2]) { if (a[0][0][1] > a[0][1][1]) { const temp = a[0][0]; a[0][0] = a[0][1]; a[0][1] = temp; } p = L.Polyline.Arc(a[0][0], a[0][1], { color: a[1], noClip: true, vertices: 100 }); estTrack = p; } else { p = L.hotline(a[0], { palette: { 0: 'lightgray', 0.1: 'green', 0.5: 'yellow', 0.7: 'orange', 1: 'red' }, min: 0, max: 36000, outlineWidth: 0, weight: 4, noClip: true }); liveTrack = p; } p.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(p); } if (prevCoordFull) { lastPos[hex] = prevCoordFull; } if (prevCoord) { if (e) { const i = e.sourceTarget; i.setLatLng(prevCoord); activeMarker = i; if (lastTrack) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lastTrack + "deg)"; } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } } else { if (!activeMarker) { activeMarker = L.marker(prevCoord, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: "/img/plane-icon_active.svg?20221124", iconSize: liveMap._zoom > 7 ? sizes[0] : sizes[1] }), rotationAngle: prevCoordFull[2], rotationOrigin: "center center", opacity: 0.8, title: hex }).addTo(liveMap); } else { activeMarker.setLatLng(prevCoord); } } if (e || hadNoHex) { // Only set refresh on first click or for live flight tracks (no hex given then) if (trackRefresh) { window.clearInterval(trackRefresh); } if (ld[17]) { trackRefresh = window.setInterval(function () { if (refreshsActive) { updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, null); } }, 3000); } } } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } if (sf === "") { domElements.get("liveMapContainer").style.display = 'block'; } activeHex = hex; updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; });} function buildLiveMap(liveMap,activeHex) { const osmUrl = 'https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateMap(liveMap, false,activeHex); liveMap.on('zoomend', onZoomed); liveMap.on('moveend', onMoveend); } function buildTrackMap(liveMap, url) { const osmUrl = 'https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateTrack(liveMap, url, "", null); } loadScript("/js/leaflet.js?20220413" ,function() { // set up the map map = new L.map('map-flight',{sleep:false,minZoom:0, gestureHandling: false}); map.whenReady(() => map.gestureHandling?._handleMouseOver?.()); // create the tile layer with correct attribution map.fitBounds([[37.61889,-122.375],[52.3,4.765]]); viewSet = true; dep=[52.3,4.765]; arr=[37.61889,-122.375]; sf = "172357061"; buildTrackMap(map,"/nl/live/track/172357061"); L.marker(dep).addTo(map); L.marker(arr).addTo(map); });







Kaart op volledig scherm


KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


Luchtvaartmaatschappij Info



Vliegtuig Informatie



Zo, Ma, Di, Wo, Do, Vr, Za

8,796km 5,466mi

10 hours 58 min

14 Vluchten
1 Vluchten/week vertraagd
89% Prestaties op tijd

313 zitplaatsen/Vlucht
18,165 zitplaatsen/week
Route Informatie


Tweede klasse




14. jun
KL605 AMS -> SFO Amsterdam
20 min te laat
Amsterdam (AMS / EHAM)
14 jun 09:50CEST
San Francisco
San Francisco (SFO / KSFO)
14 jun 11:45PDT
14 jun 10:10
20 min te laat
13. jun
KL605 AMS -> SFO Amsterdam
28 min te laat
Amsterdam (AMS / EHAM)
13 jun 09:50CEST
San Francisco
1 min te laat
San Francisco (SFO / KSFO)
13 jun 11:45PDT
13 jun 10:18
28 min te laat
13 jun 11:46
1 min te laat
12. jun
KL605 AMS -> SFO Amsterdam
2 u 40 min te vroeg
Amsterdam (AMS / EHAM)
12 jun 09:50CEST
San Francisco
15 min eerder
San Francisco (SFO / KSFO)
12 jun 11:45PDT
12 jun 07:09
2 u 40 min te vroeg
12 jun 11:29
15 min eerder
11. jun
KL605 AMS -> SFO Amsterdam
46 min te laat
Amsterdam (AMS / EHAM)
11 jun 09:50CEST
San Francisco
26 min te laat
San Francisco (SFO / KSFO)
11 jun 11:45PDT
11 jun 10:36
46 min te laat
11 jun 12:11
26 min te laat
10. jun
KL605 AMS -> SFO Amsterdam
15 min te laat
Amsterdam (AMS / EHAM)
10 jun 09:50CEST
San Francisco
14 min eerder
San Francisco (SFO / KSFO)
10 jun 11:45PDT
10 jun 10:05
15 min te laat
10 jun 11:30
14 min eerder

Toon kalender


Vliegvertragingen gebeuren, maar dat betekent niet dat je ze moet accepteren. Je hebt mogelijk recht op een vergoeding van maximaal €600/$700 als je vlucht de afgelopen drie jaar is vertraagd, geannuleerd of overboekt.


Juni 13 Vluchten
Mei 31 Vluchten
April 30 Vluchten
Maart 23 Vluchten
Februari 21 Vluchten
Januari 20 Vluchten

December 22 Vluchten
November 20 Vluchten
Oktober 30 Vluchten
September 30 Vluchten
Augustus 31 Vluchten
Juli 31 Vluchten
Juni 30 Vluchten
Mei 31 Vluchten
April 30 Vluchten
Maart 28 Vluchten
Februari 19 Vluchten
Januari 24 Vluchten

December 22 Vluchten
November 22 Vluchten
Oktober 30 Vluchten
September 30 Vluchten
Augustus 31 Vluchten
Juli 31 Vluchten
Juni 30 Vluchten
Mei 31 Vluchten
April 30 Vluchten
Maart 27 Vluchten
Februari 20 Vluchten
Januari 29 Vluchten

December 28 Vluchten
November 21 Vluchten
Oktober 27 Vluchten
September 26 Vluchten
Augustus 22 Vluchten
Juli 22 Vluchten
Juni 21 Vluchten
Mei 18 Vluchten
April 17 Vluchten
Maart 14 Vluchten
Februari 12 Vluchten
Januari 13 Vluchten

December 13 Vluchten
November 13 Vluchten
Oktober 14 Vluchten
September 12 Vluchten
Augustus 14 Vluchten
Juli 11 Vluchten
April 11 Vluchten
Maart 31 Vluchten
Februari 29 Vluchten
Januari 31 Vluchten

December 31 Vluchten
November 30 Vluchten
Oktober 31 Vluchten
September 30 Vluchten
Augustus 31 Vluchten
Juli 31 Vluchten
Juni 31 Vluchten
Mei 31 Vluchten
April 30 Vluchten
Maart 31 Vluchten
Februari 28 Vluchten
Januari 31 Vluchten

December 31 Vluchten
November 30 Vluchten
Oktober 31 Vluchten
September 30 Vluchten
Augustus 31 Vluchten
Juli 29 Vluchten
Juni 30 Vluchten
Mei 31 Vluchten
April 27 Vluchten
Maart 25 Vluchten
Februari 27 Vluchten
Januari 30 Vluchten

December 31 Vluchten
November 30 Vluchten
Oktober 39 Vluchten
September 12 Vluchten


Datum / Status Vlucht Nummer Luchtvaartmaatschappij Vertrek Aankomst
14. jun
KL425 KLM425 DMM -> AMS KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
14 jun 02:40UTC+03
12 uren geleden
14 jun 08:02CEST
5 uren geleden
14. jun
KL872 KLM872 DEL -> AMS KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
14 jun 04:22IST
12 uren geleden
14 jun 09:14CEST
4 uren geleden
14. jun
KL428 KLM428 DXB -> AMS KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
14 jun 01:16UTC+04
14 uren geleden
14 jun 05:53CEST
7 uren geleden
14. jun
KL878 KLM878 BOM -> AMS KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
14 jun 04:02IST
13 uren geleden
14 jun 10:03CEST
3 uren geleden
14. jun
KL880 KLM880 BLR -> AMS KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
14 jun 01:24IST
15 uren geleden
14 jun 07:32CEST
6 uren geleden



Hoe lang is vlucht KL605?
De vlucht heeft een afstand van 8,796.15 km (5,433.08 mi.) met een gemiddelde vliegtijd van 10u 55m.

Hoe vaak vliegt KL605?
Vlucht KL605 wordt dagelijks uitgevoerd.

Hoeveel vluchten worden er uitgevoerd tussen Amsterdam en San Francisco?
De route van Amsterdam naar San Francisco wordt bediend door 2 luchtvaartmaatschappij(en) met 14 vluchten per week. De wekelijkse capaciteit is 18,165.

Hoe vaak is vlucht KL605 vertraagd?
Gemiddeld is 3% van alle vluchten vertraagd. De gemiddelde vertraging is 26 minuten.
Welke luchtvaartmaatschappijen vliegen op deze route?
Deze route wordt gevlogen door: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines , United Airlines
Als KL605 vertraagd of geannuleerd was, kan ik dan compensatie krijgen?
Vliegvertragingen gebeuren, maar dat betekent niet dat je ze moet accepteren. Je hebt mogelijk recht op een vergoeding van maximaal €600/$700 als je vlucht de afgelopen drie jaar is vertraagd, geannuleerd of overboekt.
-> Check Compensatie
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL605 (KLM277) van Amsterdam naar San Francisco (2024)


Which country is KLM Royal Dutch? ›

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, legally Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. ([ˈkoːnɪŋkləkə ˈlʏxtfaːrt ˈmaːtsxɑpɛi ˌɛnˈveː], lit. 'Royal Aviation Company Plc.'), is the flag carrier of the Netherlands.

Does KLM fly out of San Francisco? ›

As KLM Royal Dutch Airlines we offer flights from San Francisco to destinations all over the world. Thanks to our global partner network and convenient flight schedule you will always find a flight to suit your needs!

What is the rating of KLM Airlines? ›

KLM is a Dutch carrier. Frequent travelers give the airline an average rating of 7.4/10. This is above the general average .

Is KLM from Amsterdam? ›

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is the flag carrier airline of the Netherlands. KLM is headquartered in Amstelveen, with its hub at nearby Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.

Is KLM owned by Air France? ›

Air France–KLM is the result of the merger in 2004 between Air France and KLM. Both Air France and KLM are members of the SkyTeam airline alliance. The group's main hubs are Paris–Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris Orly Airport and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.

How old is KLM Royal Dutch Airlines? ›

KLM was established on 7 October 1919, making it the world's oldest airline still operating under its original name.

Does KLM have a lounge at SFO? ›

The Air France - KLM Lounge is located in the International Terminal A Gates. To access, proceed through Security Checkpoint A and turn left.

Is KLM with Delta? ›

Our SkyTeam partner airlines include a collection of both our Core Global and Global Airline Partners: Aerolíneas Argentinas, Aeroméxico, Air Europa, Air France, China Airlines, China Eastern, Czech Airlines, Garuda Indonesia, Kenya Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Korean Air, Middle East Airlines, Saudia, TAROM, ...

Will KLM sit us together? ›

We'll assign you your seats free of charge during check-in. If it's not possible to have you all seated together, we guarantee that each child with their own seat can sit next to an adult from your group.

Why is KLM so good? ›

On long-haul flights, the Business Class (known as World Business Class) features lie-flat seats. Thanks to its efficient network, its modern fleet and many economical measures, KLM's performance in terms of fuel efficiency is one of the best in Europe.

Is KLM or Lufthansa better? ›

Both KLM and Lufthansa are highly regarded European airlines, excelling in customer service and efficiency. The choice between them largely depends on your preferences and the duration of your flight: For long-haul flights where comfort is paramount, KLM's business class is the top choice.

Is KLM a 5 star airline? ›

APEX recently announced its classification for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, confirming that we will retain our five-star status this year, based on customer ratings gathered by APEX. Our partner Delta Air Lines has also retained its five-star APEX status.

What is the oldest airline still flying? ›

Founded on October 7, 1919, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is recognized as the oldest continuously operating airline in the world. With its first flight taking off in 1920, this airline has been in the air for over a century and has played a pivotal role in commercial aviation.

What does KLM stand for in English? ›

Come fly with us to discover stories and pictures from aviation history. KLM stands for 'Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij', literally translated as 'Royal Aviation Company'.

What is KLM known for? ›

KLM, Dutch airline founded on Oct. 7, 1919, and flying its first scheduled service, between Amsterdam and London, on May 17, 1920. Until its merger with Air France in 2004, it was the world's oldest continuously operating airline.

Which country belongs to Dutch? ›

The Dutch (Dutch:) are an ethnic group native to the Netherlands. They share a common ancestry and culture and speak the Dutch language.

Who owns KLM Royal Dutch? ›

What does KLM stand for in Dutch? ›

Come fly with us to discover stories and pictures from aviation history. KLM stands for 'Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij', literally translated as 'Royal Aviation Company'.

What network is KLM part of? ›

KLM is part of SkyTeam, a global network of 19 airlines. Together, we bring you to 1,036 worldwide destinations on more than 15,445 daily flights.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.