Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (2024)

Hash Assad

Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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Want to manage your money like the 1%? Check out the 75/10/15 rule - a system to build #wealth regardless of your income level. The 75/10/15 rule works like this:🔹 75% of your income is the maximum to spend on things like housing, food, vacations, and other living expenses. This prevents lifestyle creep and encourages finding cheaper alternatives when possible. It also forces you to focus on #value - like continuing small daily luxuries that truly enhance your life versus bigger purchases that provide only temporary #happiness. 🔹 10% goes into a "cushion fund" - a cash reserve set aside specifically for unexpected financial emergencies like job loss, medical bills, or home repairs. Ideally, this cash cushion should equal 3-6 months' worth of your monthly expenses. Once fully funded, stop adding to this emergency fund.🔹 15% gets invested for your future wealth, prioritizing tax-advantaged accounts like #TFSA and #RRSP to grow your money tax-free or tax-deferred. This allows compounding to work its magic over years and decades.The key is putting your money to work by owning income-producing assets, not just earning from your labor. The wealthiest build diversified asset portfolios that generate passive income, as taught in influential books like "Rich Dad Poor Dad."After funding the 10% cushion, funnel any extra cash flow into that 15% for long-term investments. Consider working with a Certified Financial Planner #CPF to optimize your investment and financial planning strategy.Adapt this simple 75/10/15 strategy to your income level. Spend mindfully on what you truly value, save for rainy days, and invest consistently to build real wealth over time.

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Hash Assad

Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management


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#awm #assadwealth #awmfacts #awmtips #finance #money #wealth #planning #halal #islamicfinance #awmboost #stocks #canada #saving #hisa

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Usman Aamir


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Do you think these ratios can be adjusted to something like 60-20-20 in a post-pandemic, inflationary environment?

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Abdul Latif Seif

Worked as Budget & Cost Control Section Head at SBG-Operations & Maintenance


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I like the 75/10/15 rule for money management strategy. Itcis sound and creative.

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    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    Your 30s are a decade of major financial decisions and responsibilities like buying a #home, having kids, or getting married. It's crucial to hit some key money milestones to stay on track. Here are 8 major #financial goals to accomplish before turning 40:1️⃣ Have $0 in debt. Pay off all credit cards, student loans, and ideally have no car payment dragging you down.2️⃣ Achieve an excellent credit score above 800. A high score unlocks many opportunities saving significantly.3️⃣ Assemble a comprehensive 30-year financial plan. Consider working with Certified Financial Planner #CFP to map out retirement, investing, insurance, estate planning, etc. Check us out at Assad Wealth Management4️⃣ Build a robust 12-month #emergency fund. With more responsibilities like kids and aging parents, you need a bigger safety net.5️⃣ Save at least 3x your annual salary for retirement. If you make $62K, have $186K invested by 40 to be on track.6️⃣ Avoid lifestyle inflation. As income rises, continue living frugally to maximize #wealth accumulation.7️⃣ Draft an estate plan. With dependents, set up a will, guardianship, power of attorney, personal directive, etc. Connect with Imran Qureshi 8️⃣ Invest in your #health. Develop habits like exercise, diet, and sleep for longevity to truly enjoy your wealth.Hit these money milestones in your 30s, and you'll be positioned for financial success and independence!

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    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    At Assad Wealth Management, our mission goes beyond just growing your wealth. We strive to help you find the perfect balance between your Deen and Dunya - your spiritual life and worldly pursuits.We want you to achieve sustainable prosperity in this life while staying true to your faith. Watch the video to learn more about our comprehensive financial planning, Shariah compliant wealth management solutions tailored for high-net-worth individuals and families.



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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    Cash may feel like a safe haven, but in reality, it's far from it. #Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your money over time, making it a suboptimal choice for long-term wealth preservation. I personally follow a strict policy: anything beyond my day-to-day operational needs is invested to allow for growth. While investing carries inherent #market risks and fluctuations, it's still a better strategy in the long run than letting a substantial amount of #money sit idle in cash.By investing your surplus funds, you harness the power of compounding returns. Over time, your money has the potential to grow exponentially, outpacing inflation and enabling you to build real wealth. Whether it's #stocks, #bonds, real estate, or other investment vehicles, diversifying your portfolio can mitigate risks while capitalizing on various growth opportunities.Consider this: back in 1929, the average American home cost around $6,000. At the same time, 10 kg of #gold was worth about $7,000 – meaning you could purchase the average house with just 10 kg of gold. Fast forward to 2024, and while the average U.S. home price has skyrocketed to around $500,000, 10 kg of gold is still worth more than $700,000 – more than enough to buy a typical American home.The purchasing power of gold has remained remarkably consistent over nearly a century, while home prices have risen dramatically. But what if that same $10,000 was invested in the Dow Jones index in 1929 at an average annualized return of 5.24%? It would be worth an impressive $3,386,365 today – outperforming gold by a wide margin.Of course, investing requires #discipline, research, and a solid understanding of your risk tolerance. But the alternative – letting your money stagnate in cash – is a surefire way to watch its value diminish over the years. Embrace the mindset of an #investor. Don't let your hard-earned money lose its potential; instead, put it to work and let it grow alongside your ambitions.

    • Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (18)



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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    The Fascinating History of the 30-Year Mortgage in the US 🏡While much of the world has shorter mortgage terms, the prevalence of 30-year mortgages in the United States has a fascinating historical background. Let me take you through the journey of how these long-term fixed-rate home loans became the norm in #America.**Origins in the 1930s TurmoilPrior to the 1930s, typical mortgages were short-term (3-5 years) with variable #interest rates. Borrowers paid only the interest during this period, resulting in a large "balloon payment" due at the end. When the Great Depression hit in 1932, a financing crisis emerged, leading to hundreds of thousands of foreclosures.**Government InterventionsIn response, President Franklin D. #Roosevelt's New Deal introduced changes to the mortgage landscape. The Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) was created to buy failing mortgages and convert them into longer-term #loans with interest and principal payments. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) further transformed the market by insuring loans against default and setting new standards, gradually extending mortgage terms to the now-common 30 years.**Benefits for Homebuyers 🙌Predictable payments over an extended period made #homeownership more affordable for buyers. The longer term allowed families to #plan and budget effectively. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage became a staple, providing stability and access to homeownership.**Challenges for BanksFor banks, offering fixed-rate mortgages for 30 years posed challenges as the interest they paid to depositors and borrowed money wasn't fixed, making long-term commitments riskier. However, the benefits to homebuyers prevailed.Today, the 30-year mortgage remains deeply ingrained in the #American housing market. Its longevity and predictability have helped countless families achieve their dream of owning a #home, a testament to the lasting impact of those Great Depression-era reforms.

    • Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (28)


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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    The VIX is Back to Pre-Pandemic CalmThe CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) - Wall Street's "fear gauge" - has made a remarkable journey back to calm after the pandemic-driven volatility storm. From peaking in 2020 as COVID-19 roiled markets, the #VIX has now settled around 12 - essentially where it was trading in late 2019 before the crisis hit when markets were humming along.While not the lowest level ever (that was 2017's ultra-low volatility), this sub-13 VIX still represents a significant milestone. It took over 2 years for #markets to regain this level of calm after the pandemic chaos.So what's driving the easing "fear"? A few key factors:- The resilient #economy continues growing despite headwinds- #Inflation seems to have peaked and is trending down- The Fed is expected to cut interest rateWith #economic risks fading, investor anxiety is dissipating, allowing volatility to recede.Of course, shocks can always return volatility. But for now, the VIX's pre-pandemic levels reflect increasing confidence in the path ahead.This is a testament to markets' impressive ability to adapt and regain equilibrium, even after generational disruptions like #COVID-19.

    • Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (31)



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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    The Rule of 375: A Powerful Tool for Retirement PlanningDo you have a clear vision of your ideal retirement life? Perhaps it involves traveling the world, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying a relaxed lifestyle. Whatever your dream, achieving it requires careful #financial #planning and understanding how much you'll need to sustain your desired standard of living.This is where the Rule of 375 comes into play. This handy rule of thumb helps estimate the nest egg you'll need to maintain a specific monthly spending level throughout a 30-year retirement. Here's how it works:Let's say your ideal retirement requires a monthly income of $3,500. To find the approximate investment pot needed, simply multiply $3,500 by 375. The result is $1,312,500 – the estimated nest egg required to sustain that $3,500 monthly spending for 30 years.Seeing that $1.3 million figure can be a wake-up call underscoring the importance of strategic financial planning from an early age. Every #penny saved and #invested today is a step closer to your #retirement #goals.However, the Rule of 375 is just a rough estimate. To develop a truly comprehensive retirement plan, it's crucial to work with a Certified Financial Planner (#CFP ®). A qualified professional can provide a more granular analysis, accounting for factors like #inflation, longevity #risk, #market behaviour, and income sources like #CPP /#OAS in #Canada or Social Security in #USA.At Assad Wealth Management, we understand that retirement planning is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Your financial blueprint should evolve as your goals and circ*mstances change. That's why we're committed to regularly reviewing and refining your plan, ensuring it keeps pace with your dreams and life's ever-changing realities.Don't just #dream of the good life – take purposeful steps to #plan for it. If you have any questions or would like guidance on your retirement journey, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help you shape your financial future with #confidence and #excitement.Remember, tomorrow isn't just another day; it's your good life waiting to unfold.

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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    The recent advancements in AI video generation have been truly remarkable. While there are certainly #ethical considerations to grapple with, I can't help but feel #energized about the democratizing potential of this #technology for storytelling.After the events of the last seven months and witnessing the blatant bias and agendas of traditional #media and #Hollywood propaganda machines, the idea of everyday people being able to create Hollywood-quality video content from their smartphones is downright liberating.No more #gatekeepers. No more exorbitant budgets and endless red tape. Just #creativity unleashed.Imagine being able to breathe life into the stories you've always dreamed of telling - #epic fantasy worlds, gritty slices of reality, mind-bending sci-fi - all with the same production values as the biggest #blockbusters. And doing it all yourself, on your own terms, with just a few prompts to an #AI.The implications of this are staggering. Diverse voices and perspectives that have been muffled or shut out will finally be heard. Complex narratives that don't fit neatly into marketable boxes will find their audiences. #Art untethered from #commercial considerations can flourish.Of course, nothing is perfect. We'll need robust guardrails to uphold #truth and prevent #abuse of these incredible AI #video capabilities. But I have faith that solutions will emerge. The #creative potential unlocked by this #technology is too vast and too vital to ignore.The future of AI is the future of democratized storytelling. And I can't wait to see the visionary tales that emerge.


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  • Hash Assad

    Executive Financial Consultant at IG Wealth Management

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    Feeling so humbled and honored to have had a video spotlight on our work shown at the incredible One Ummah conference in Calgary this weekend. Seeing what we do projected on the big screen in front of thousands was such a nice and moving experience. Grateful for the opportunity to share our efforts with this amazing community gathered to celebrate unity. Thank you to the organizers for the powerful platform - it will inspire us to keep striving to have a positive impact.



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Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (46)

Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (47)


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Hash Assad on LinkedIn: #wealth #value #happiness #tfsa #rrsp #cpf (2024)
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